2019/12/29 Memorial meeting@Okazaki

Attended a meeting in remembrance of the late Prof. Kazuhiro Ikenaka.
(A snapshot at the after-party.)

2019/12/27 Collaborative experiment@Yokohama

Saeko is performing NMR measurements in RIKEN (Tsurumi).

2019/12/26 Business trip@Tokyo

This is the final NINS Directors Meeting of year. Otsukaresamadesita!

2019/12/21-24 Overseas business trip@Xiamen

As a part of the IMS international activities, Prof. Kato visited Xiamen University, where he gave a talk and discussed future prospects for collaboration.

2019/12/20-21 Conference@Tokyo

Dr. Satoh attended CREST and PRESTO(Structural Life Science)joint meeting.

2019/12/20 Meeting & dinner party@Okazaki

Today we had ExCELLS advisory committee meeting and also good news that our article was accepted. Otsukaresama deshita!

2019/12/18-23 Collaborative experiment@Okazaki

Dr.Ohtani and Teranishi-san visited us from Kyushu University.

2019/12/17 [Press release] The first structure of a novel histone chaperone reveals energy-dependent chromatin assembly

Our recent work “Structural basis of nucleosome assembly by the Abo1 AAA+ ATPase histone chaperone” in collaboration with Dr. Ji-Joon Song (KAIST), Dr. Ja Yil Lee (UNIST) and the Uchihashi group has been published in Nature Communications.

Press Release

2019/12/16-18 Overseas business trip@Bangkok

Prof. Kato gave an invited lecture at the 2nd International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation (ICMARI) and visited Kasetsart University to increase academic exchange with IMS.

2019/12/13 Lab seminar & End-of-year party@Okazaki

We had a joint seminar of the NCU and ExCELLS lab members.

After the seminar, we enjoyed an End-of-year party at Higashi Okazaki,where Hiroki bade us farewell. Otsukaresama deshita!

2019/12/13 Collaborative discussion@Okazaki

We had a collaborative discussion about plasma biology experiments.

2019/12/13 Training course@Okazaki

A training course of the biomolecular interaction analysis system newly
installed at ExCELLS.

2019/12/12 Collaborative discussion@Okazaki

Enjoyed collaborative discussion with Dr. Takai, Dr. Imachi, Dr. Shimamura from JAMSTEC and Dr. Nakagawa and Doi-san from Kyoto University!

2019/12/9-11 Council@Okazaki

We had IMS Advisory Council 2019.

2019/12/9 Collaboration@Tokyo

Taichiro visited Dr.Masaharu Takemura(Tokyo University of Science).

2019/12/3-7 Conference@Fukuoka

Hirokazu and Saeko gave lectures at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.

2019/12/2-19 Experiment@Fukuoka

Kana visited Drs. Sanematsu and Shigemura’s lab (Kyusyu university) to conduct collaborative experiments.

2019/12/2 Collaborative discussion@Okazaki

Enjoyed discussion with Dr. Uchihashi.

2019/11/29 Dinner party@Nagoya

Had an enjoyable dinner with energetic glycoscientists in Tokai area.

2019/11/29 Meeting@Hiroshima

Dr. Yagi and Fumiko gave talks at the 3rd Glycolleague. Fumiko received the Young Scientist Award. Congratulations!

2019/11/28 Meeting@Tokyo

Maho gave an invited talk at the 1st society meeting of neutron structural biology in FY2019.

2019/11/27 Seminar@Okazaki

In today’s ExCELLS Seminar, exciting topics were delivered by Dr.Yasuhiro Kazuki (Tottori University). We enjoyed a heated discussion until midnight.

2019/11/26-27 Meeting@Okazaki

Participated in NIPS EM Workshop 2019 “High-Resolution Single Particle Analysis of Proteins by Cryo-electron Microscopy”.

2019/11/26-27 Meeting@Tokyo

Dr. Yagi gave a talk and a poster presentation at the 3rd Organelles Zone Meeting.

2019/11/25 Meeting@Tokyo

Participated in a preparatory meeting of the 2nd Japanese-Canadian Frontiers of Science Symposium (JCFoS).

2019/11/25 Meeting@Tokyo

Taiki gave poster and oral presentations at the 2nd Young Scientist Meeting of Organelles Zone.

2019/11/22 Symposium@Tokyo

Dr. Maho Yagi-Utsumi gave a talk in the Open Symposium of the Research Cooperation with Industries held at the University of Tokyo.

2019/11/20 Award@Nagoya

Dr. Yagi received the Award for international collaborative publication from Nagoya City University President.

2019/11/18-19 Symposium@Okazaki

The 2nd ExCELLS Symposium was a great success! It was really an enthusiastic event!

2019/11/14 Collaborative discussion@Okazaki

Dr. Kazuharu Arakawa (Keio University) visited ExCELLS for a collaborative discussion.

2019/11/11 Collaborative discussion@Okazaki

Dr. Ohtani and Teranishi-san visited us from Kyushu University.

2019/11/10 Conference@Nagoya

Fumiko gave an oral presentation at the Tokai Branch Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.

2019/11/7-9 Meeting@Kawasaki

Prof. Kato served as the President of the Nuclear Magnetic Society of Japan and presented a talk at Professor Yoji Arata memorial session in the 58th Annual Meeting of the society. Maho and Saeko presented an oral talk and a poster, respectively.

2019/11/6-14 Collaborative discussion and lecture@Lille

Dr. Yagi visited Dr. Yann Guerardel at Lille University, enjoyed a collaborative discussion, and gave a talk. He also gave lectures for graduate students.

2019/11/5 Welcome party@Nagoya

Enjoyed a party to welcome our new members!

2019/10/30 Fire drill@Okazaki

Had an emergency evacuation drill at our Yamate Campus.

2019/10/29-30 Symposium@Kyoto

Prof.Kato chaired a session in the 17th JCGG Symposium.

Congratulated Dr.Kajihara on his winning Whistler Award.

2019/10/28-29 Symposium@Okazaki

The 2nd NIBB-Princeton Joint Symposium is held in Okazaki.

2019/10/28 Collaborative study@Nagoya

Dr. Morishima(Kyoto University) is staying in our laboratory at NCU and conducting experiments.

2019/10/19 University festival@Nagoya

We served waffle at the Nagoya City University festival.

2019/10/17-18 Meeting@Matsuyama

Taichiro presented a poster at the annual meeting of Japanese Society for Cell Synthesis Research.

2019/10/17 New member@Okazaki

Ean Wai (University of Malaya) has just joined us as a student of IMS International Internship Program in Asia (IMS-IIPA).

2019/10/15 Business trip@Yonago

We visited Chromosome Engineering Research Center of Tottori University and enjoyed discussion with Dr.Yasuhiro Kazuki’ group.

2019/10/12-13 Conference@Kanazawa

Yasuhiro gave a poster presentation and won the poster prize at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Chronobiology.

2019/10/10 Collaborative discussion@Tsuruoka

We visited Prof. Masaru Tomita, Director General of Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, and enjoyed a collaborative discussion with the Arakawa group.

2019/10/9 Collaboration@Okazaki

After the ExCELLS faculty meeting, we performed a collaborative experiment with the Uchihashi group and had a nice dinner after the experiment.

2019/10/8 Welcome lunch@Okazaki

We had a welcome lunch for Fukutomi-san and Meow-san.

2019/10/5 Open campus@Okazaki

A lot of guests visited NIBB for the open campus event.

2019/10/3 Experiment@Tsukuba

Taichiro and Saeko visited Dr. Kuwayama’s lab (Tsukuba university) to learn experiments.

Enjoyed a dinner for the lab celebration at Okazaki. Otsukaresama!

2019/10/3 Visitors@Okazaki

NINS head-office staffs visited ExCELLS.

2019/10/2-10 Experiment@Fukuoka

Kana visited Drs. Sanematsu and Shigemura’s lab (Kyusyu university) to conduct collaborative experiments.

2019/10/1 New members@Okazaki

Prof. Tomomi Nemoto has just joined ExCELLS as chair of Biophotonics Research Group.

2019/10/1 New member@Okazaki

Fukutomi-san has just joined us as a secretary.