2016/9/30 New member@Nagoya

Kofuji-san, Saito-kun, and Sekiguchi-kun just join our lab. Welcome!

2016/9/30 New member@Okazaki

May-san has just joined us as a SOKENDAI student.
Yan-kun will expand research activity at JAIST soon.

2016/9/29-30 IGER International Symposium on Science of Molecular Assembly and Biomolecular Systems 2016@Nagoya

Prof. Kato gave an invited lecture at Nagoya University.

2016/9/25-27 The 89th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society@Sendai

Dr. Yanaka joined the annual meeting held in Sendai as a panelist.

2016/9/22-24 The 16th KIAS Conference on Protein Structure and Function@Seoul

Prof. Kato is staying in Seoul for giving an invitated lecture.

2016/9/20-26 Overseas experiments@Lucas Heights

Hirokazu is performing neutron scatteirng experiments at Bragg institute.

2016/9/10-12 The17th Young NMR Scientist Meeting@Hakone

We enjoyed NMR and BBQ!

2016/9/8 Farewell lunch@Okazaki

We had a farewell lunch for Aoy-san.

2016/9/4-6 The 25th Annual Meeting of the Bioimaging Society@Nagoya

We organized the event at Nagoya City University.

The lectures open to the public were presented with attractive demonstration.

The invited lecturers and the organizers at the dinner party after the event open to the public.

Many participants livened up this successful meeting!

Himeda-san’s first experience presenting a poster.

With the keynote speaker Prof. Michiyuki Matsuda (Kyoto University).

With Prof. Takashi Funatsu, the next president of the society, at the banquet.

The winners of the Best Imaging Awards.

2016/9/1-3 The 35th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research@Kochi

With the keynote speakers, Dr. Noboru Mizushima (The University of Tokyo) and Dr. Hajime Mizukami (The Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden).

Visited the Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden on excursion.

2016/8/29-30 The 5th International Symposium on Drug Discovery and Drug Design by

Prof.Kato gave an invited lecture.

2016/8/23-25 SAXS epxperiments@Kumatori

Arunima and Yasuhiro performed SAXS experiments at Kyoto University Reserch
Rector Institute.

2016/8/23 Aichi Synchrotron@Seto

Drs. Satoh and Murakami performed X-ray diffraction experiments at
Aichi Synchrotron.

2016/8/21-26 ICMRBS 2016@Kyoto

We are taking part in XXVIIth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems!

2016/8/18-19 OIIB Summer School 2016@Okazaki

The subject is “Observe, Read, Create the Life”

Enjoyed the lecture delivered by Prof. Masaharu Takemura (Tokyo University of Science) regarding giant viruses.

Many guests visited our lab!

2016/8/17 Seminar@Okazaki

Profs. Ian Liau and Hsin-Yun Hsu (National Chiao Tung University) gave seminars.

2016/8/9 Collaborative discussion@Okazaki

Visited Dr. Hisashi Okumura’s group at Research Center for Computational

2016/8/6-7 The 6th All Japan Student Workshop of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan@Osaka

Kajino-san participated in the discussion as representative of NCU students.

2016/8/6 Fireworks Festival@Okazaki

Watching the fireworks from the rooftop of an IMS building!

2015/8/3 Collaborative discussion@Nagoya

Enjoyed discussion with Prof. Hiromune Ando (Gifu Univeristy)!

2015/7/27 Director’s visit@Okazaki

Our director Dr. Kawai visited us for an exchange meeting with our lab

2015/7/25 Joint seminar@Nagoya

Our rookies presented their research progresses in English very well.

We also had a welcome dinner for Aoy-san.

2015/7/17-21 28th ICS2016@New Orleans

Prof. Kato gave a plenary lecture.

2016/7/15-16 28th Summer School, Young Society of Division of Biofunctional
Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan@Gamagori

Prof. Kato delivered an invited lecture at the summer school organized
by Drs. Yukiko Kamiya and Tasuku Hirayama.

Hori-kun and Murakami-kun, who has just joined Dr. Takumi Yamaguchi’s Laboratory,
attended this summer school.

2016/7/15 Visiting students@Nagoya

Allysa-san and Renz-kun (University of Santo Tomas)is staying at Nagoya City University for research internship.

2016/7/15 PBL@Nagoya

Kato-san and Kondo-kun (B.1) introduced our laboratory in PBL program.

2016/7/14 New member@Okazaki

Aoy-san from Srinakharinwirot Univ. has just rejoined us!

2016/7/14 Our visitor@Okazaki

Prof. Mizushima (University of Hyogo) gave a lecture at Nagoya City University.

2016/7/9 The Tokai Branch Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan@Nagoya

Megumi and Rena gave an oral presentation.

2016/7/7 Our visitor@Nagoya

Visiting Prof. Yoshiki Yamaguchi (RIKEN) gave a lecture at Nagoya City University.

2016/7/1 BBQ party@Okazaki

We enjoyed a BBQ party as OIIB joint event.