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2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000-/ その他



S.Nakagawa, H.D.Sakai, S.Shimamura, Y.Takamatsu, S.Kato, H.Yagi, S.Yanaka, M.Yagi-Utsumi, N.Kurosawa, M.Ohkuma, K.Kato, and K.Takai
N-linked protein glycosylation in Nanobdellati (formerly DPANN) archaea and their hosts
J. Bacteriol. in press (2024)

T.Satoh, M.Yagi-Utsumi, N.Ishii, T.Mizushima, H.Yagi, R.Kato, Y.Tachida, H.Tateno, I.Matsuo, K.Kato, T.Suzuki, and Y.Yoshida
Structural basis of sugar recognition by SCFFBS2 ubiquitin ligase involved in NGLY1 deficiency
FEBS Lett., in press (2024)

H.Yagi, S.Tateo, T.Saito, Y.Ohta, E.Nishi, S.Obitsu, T.Suzuki, S.Seetaha, C.Hellec,
A.Nakano, T.Tojima, and K.Kato
Deciphering the sub-Golgi localization of glycosyltransferases via 3D super-resolution imaging
Cell Struct. Funct. 49, 47-55 (2024)

S.Nakagawa, H.Imachi, S.Shimamura, S.Yanaka, H.Yagi, M.Yagi-Utsumi, H.Sakai, S.Kato, M.Ohkuma, K.Kato, and K.Takai
Characterization of protein glycosylation in an Asgard archaeon
BBA Advances, 6, 100118 (2024)

S.Yanaka, A.Kodama, S.Nishiguchi, R.Fujita, J.Shen, P.Boonsri, D.Sung, Y.Isono, H.Yagi, Y.Miyanoiri, T.Uchihashi, and K.Kato
Identification of potential C1-binding sites in the immunoglobulin CL domains
Int. Immunol. 36, 405-411 (2024)

M.Fabiano, N.Oikawa, A.Kerksiek, J.Furukawa, H.Yagi, K.Kato, U.Schweizer, W.Annaert, J.Kang, J.Shen, D.Lütjohann, and J.Walter
Presenilin deficiency results in cellular cholesterol accumulation by impairment of protein glycosylation and NPC1 function
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25, 5417 (2024)

S.Yanaka, H.Watanabe, R.Yogo, M.Kongsema, S.Kondo, H.Yagi, T.Uchihashi, and K.Kato
Quantitative analysis of therapeutic antibody interactions with Fcγ receptors using high-speed atomic force microscopy
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 47, 334-338 (2024)


C.Cho, C.Ganser, T.Uchihashi, K.Kato, and J.-J.Song
Structure of the human ATAD2 AAA+ histone chaperone reveals mechanism of regulation and inter-subunit communication
Commun. Biol. 6, 993 (2023)

S.Seetaha, N.Kamonsutthipaijit, M.Yagi‑Utsumi, Y.Seako, T.Yamaguchi, S.Hannongbua, K.Kato, and K.Choowongkomon
Biophysical characterization of p51 and p66 monomers of HIV‑1 reverse transcriptase with their inhibitors
Protein J. 42, 741-752 (2023)

E.H.-L.Chen, C.-H.Wang, Y.-T.Liao, F.-Y.Chan, Y.Kanaoka, T.Uchihashi, K.Kato, L.Lai, Y.-W.Chang, M.-C.Ho, and R.P.-Y.Chen
Visualizing the membrane disruption action of antimicrobial peptides by cryo-electron tomography
Nature Commun. 14, Article number: 5464 (2023)

M.Yagi-Utsumi, H.Miura, C.Ganser, H.Watanabe, M.Hiranyakorn, T.Satoh, T.Uchihashi, K.Kato, K.Okazaki, and K.Aoki
Molecular design of FRET probes based on domain rearrangement of protein disulfide isomerase for monitoring intracellular redox status
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 12865 (2023)

M.Yagi-Utsumi, S.G.Itoh, H.Okumura, K.Yanagisawa, K.Kato, and K.Nishimura
The double-layered structure of amyloid-β assemblage on GM1-containing membranes catalytically promotes fibrillization
ACS Chem. Neurosci. 14, 2648-2657 (2023)

Y.-C.Chien, Y.-S.Wang, D.Sridharan, C.-W.Kuo, C.-T. Chien, T.Uchihashi, K.Kato, T.Angata, T.-C.Meng, S.-T.D.Hsu, and K.-H.Khoo
High density of N- and O‑glycosylation shields and defines the structural dynamics of the intrinsically disordered ectodomain of receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha
JACS Au. 3, 1864-1875 (2023)

Nakama, T., Rossen, A., Ebihara, R., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Fujita, D., Kato, K., Sato, S. and Fujita, M.
Hysteresis behavior in the unfolding/refolding processes of a protein trapped in metallo-cages
Chem. Sci. 14, 2910-2914 (2023)

Hiranyakorn, M., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yanaka, S., Ohtsuka, N., Momiyama, N., Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
Mutational and environmental effects on the dynamic conformational distributions of Lys48-linked ubiquitin chains
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 6075 (2023)

Yanaka, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K. and Kuwajima, K.
The B domain of protein A retains residual structures in 6 M guanidinium chloride as revealed by hydrogen/deuterium-exchange NMR spectroscopy
Protein Sci. 32, e4569 (2023)

Yanaka, S., Yogo, R., Yagi, H., Onitsuka, M., Wakaizumi, N., Yamaguchi, Y., Uchiyama, S. and Kato, K.
Negative interference with antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity mediated by rituximab from its interactions with human serum proteins
Front. Immunol. 14, 1090898 (2023)


Itoh, S.G., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K. and Okumura, H.
Key residue for aggregation of amyloid-β peptides
ACS Chem. Neurosci. 22, 3139-3151 (2022)

Saito, T., Yagi, H., Kuo, C.-W., Khoo, K.-H. and Kato, K.
An embeddable molecular code for Lewis X modification through interaction with fucosyltransferase 9
Commun. Biol. 5, 676 (2022)

Umezawa, F., Natsume, M., Fukusada, S., Nakajima, K., Yamasaki, F., Kawashima, H., Kuo, C.-W., Khoo, K.-H., Shimura, T., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
Cancer malignancy is correlated with upregulation of PCYT2-mediated glycerol phosphate modification of α-dystroglycan
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 6662 (2022)

Hashimoto, R., Minoshima, M., Sakata, S., Ono, F., Ishii, H., Watakabe, Y., Nemoto, T., Yanaka, S., Kato, K. and Kikuchi, K.
Efficient visible/NIR light-driven uncaging of hydroxylated thiazole orange-based caged compounds in aqueous media
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Matsumaru, T., Sakuratani, K., Yanaka, S., Kato, K., Yamasaki, S. and Fujimoto, Y.
Fungal β-mannosyloxymannitol glycolipids and their analogues: synthesis and mincle-mediated signaling activity
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2022, e202200109 (2022)

Yagi, H., Amagasa, E., Shiota, M., Yamada, I., Aoki-Kinoshita, K.F. and Kato, K.
GALAXY ver3: updated web application for glycosylation profiling based on 3D HPLC map
Glycobiology 32, 646-650 (2022)

Yoshida, Y., Satoh, T., Ota, C., Tanaka, S., Horikawa, D.D., Tomita, M., Kato, K. and Arakawa, K.
Time‑series transcriptomic screening of factors contributing to the cross‑tolerance to UV radiation and anhydrobiosis in tardigrades
BMC Genomics 23, 405 (2022)

Kondo, K., Harada, Y., Nakano, M., Suzuki, T., Fukushige, T., Hanzawa, K., Yagi, H., Takagi, K., Mizuno, K., Miyamoto, Y., Taniguchi, N., Kato, K., Kanekura, T., Dohmae, N., Machida, K., Maruyama, I. and Inoue, H.
Identification of distinct N-glycosylation patterns on extracellular vesicles from small-cell and non-small-cell lung cancer cells
J. Biol. Chem. 298, 101950 (2022)

Yamaguchi, Y., Wakaizumi, N., Irisa, M., Maruno, T., Shimada, M., Shintani, K., Nishiumi, H., Yogo, R., Yanaka, S., Higo, D., Torisu, T., Kato, K. and Uchiyama, S.
The Fab portion of immunoglobulin G has sites in the CL domain that interact with Fc gamma receptor IIIa
mAbs 14, e2038531 (2022)

Yanaka, S., Yagi, H., Yogo, R., Onitsuka, M. and Kato, K.
Glutamine‑free mammalian expression of recombinant glycoproteins with uniform isotope labeling: an application for NMR analysis of pharmaceutically relevant Fc glycoforms of human immunoglobulin G1
J. Biomol. NMR 76, 17-22 (2022)

Yunoki, Y., Matsumoto, A., Morishima, K., Martel, A., Porcar, L., Sato, N., Yogo, R., Tominaga, T., Inoue, R., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Shimizu, M., Urade, R., Terauchi, K., Kono, H., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Sugiyama, M.
Overall structure of fully assembled cyanobacterial KaiABC circadian clock complex by an integrated experimental-computational approach
Commun. Biol. 5, 184 (2022)

Yanaka, S., Nishiguchi, S., Yogo, R., Watanabe, H., Shen, J., Yagi, H., Uchihashi, T. and Kato, K.
Quantitative visualization of the interaction between complement component C1 and immunoglobulin G: The effect of CH1 domain deletion
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 2090 (2022)

Ratanabunyong, S., Seetaha, S., Hannongbua, S., Yanaka, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K., Paemanee, A. and Choowongkomon, K.
Biophysical characterization of novel DNA aptamers against K103N/Y181C double mutant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase
Molecules 27, 285 (2022)

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Murai, Y., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Fujiwara, M., Tanaka, S., Tomita, M., Kato, K. and Arakawa, K.
Multiomics study of a heterotardigrade, Echinisicus testudo, suggests the possibility of convergent evolution of abundant heat- soluble proteins in Tardigrada
BMC Genomics 22, 813 (2021)

George, G., Ninagawa, S., Yagi, H., Furukawa, J., Hashii, N., Ishii-Watabe, A., Deng, Y., Matsushita, K., Ishikawa,T., Mamahit,Y.P., Maki, Y., Kajihara, Y., Kato, K., Okada, T. and Mori, K.
Purified EDEM3 or EDEM1 alone produces determinant oligosaccharide structures from M8B in mammalian glycoprotein ERAD
eLife 10, e70357 (2021)

Yagi‐Utsumi, M., Aoki, K., Watanabe, H., Song, C., Nishimura, S., Satoh, T., Yanaka, S., Ganser, C., Tanaka, S., Schnapka, V., Goh, E.W., Furutani, Y., Murata, K., Uchihashi, T., Arakawa, K. and Kato, K.
Desiccation‐induced fibrous condensation of CAHS protein from an anhydrobiotic tardigrade
Sci. Rep. 11, Article number: 21328 (2021)

Yamasaki, F., Umezawa, F., Sensui, T., Anzo, M., Abo, H., Kuo, C.W., Khoo, K.H., Kato, K., Yagi, H. and Kawashima, H.
Establishment of a novel monoclonal antibody against truncated glycoforms of α-dystroglycan lacking matriglycans
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 579, 8-14 (2021)

Sato, N., Yogo, R., Yanaka, S., Martel, A., Porcar, L., Morishima, K., Inoue, R., Tominaga, T., Arimori, T., Takagi, J., Sugiyama, M. and Kato, K.
A feasibility study of inverse contrast-matching small-angle neutron scattering method combined with size exclusion chromatography using antibody interactions as model systems
J. Biochem. 169, 701-708 (2021)

Miyazawa, K., G.Itoh, S., Watanabe, H., Uchihashi, T., Yanaka, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K., Arakawa, K. and Okumura, H.
Tardigrade secretory-abundant heat-soluble protein has a flexible β‑barrel structure in solution and keeps this structure in dehydration
J. Phys. Chem. B. 125, 9145-9154 (2021)

Ohtani, R., Anegawa, Y., Watanabe, H., Tajima, Y., Kinoshita, M., Matsumori, N., Kawano, K., Yanaka, S., Kato, K., Nakamura, M., Ohba, M. and Hayami, S.
Metal complex lipids for fluid-fluid phase separation in co-assembled phospholipid membranes
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 70, 13603-13608 (2021)

Watanabe, T., Yagi, H., Yanaka, S., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Comprehensive characterization of oligosaccharide conformational ensembles with conformer classification by free-energy landscape via reproductive kernel Hilbert space
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 9753-9760 (2021)

Song, C., Satoh, T., Sekiguchi, T., Kato, K. and Murata, K.
Structural fluctuations of the human proteasome α7 homo-tetradecamer double ring imply the proteasomal α-ring assembly mechanism
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 4519 (2021)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Tanaka, T., Otsubo, Y., Yamashita, A., Yoshimura, S., Nishida, M. and Kato, K.
Cold atmospheric plasma modification of amyloid β
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 3116 (2021)

Okuda, A., Inoue, R., Morishima, K., Saio, T.,Yunoki, Y.,Yagi-Utsumi, M.,Yagi, H.,Shimizu, M.,Sato, N.,Urade, R., Kato, K. and Sugiyama, M.
Deuteration aiming for neutron scattering
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Ratanabunyong, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yanaka, S., Kato, K., Choowongkomon, K. and Hannongbua, S.
Investigation of RT1t49 aptamer binding to human immunodeficiency virus 1 reverse transcriptase
J. Curr. Sci. and Technol. 11, 51-59 (2021)

Yanaka, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Takizawa, T., Miyanoiri, Y., Yogo, R., Shimada, I. and Kato, K.
NMR assignments of the N-glycans of the Fc fragment of mouse immunoglobulin G2b glycoprotein
Biomol. NMR Assign. 15, 187–192 (2021)

Ratanabunyong, S., Aeksiri, N., Yanaka, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K., Choowongkomon, K. and Hannongbua, S.
Characterization of new DNA aptamers for anti-HIV-1 reverse transcriptase
ChemBioChem 22, 915-923 (2021)

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Kamiya, Y., Satoh, T., Kodama, A., Suzuki, T., Murayama, K., Kashida, H., Uchiyama, S., Kato, K. and Asanuma, H.
Intrastrand backbone-nucleobase interactions stabilize unwound right-handed helical structures of heteroduplexes of L-αTNA/RNA and SNA/RNA
Commun. Chem. 3, 156 (2020)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Chandak, M.S., Yanaka, S., Hiranyakorn, M., Nakamura, T., Kato, K. and Kuwajima, K.
Residual structure of unfolded ubiquitin as revealed by hydrogen/deuterium-exchange 2D NMR
Biophys. J. 119, 2029-2038 (2020)

Ohtani, R., Kawano, K., Kinoshita, M., Yanaka, S., Watanabe, H., Hirai, K., Futaki, S., Matsumori, N., Uji-i, H., Ohba, M., Kato, K. and Hayami, S.
Pseudo-membrane jackets: Two-dimensional coordination polymers achieving visible phase separation in cell membrane
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 17931-17937 (2020)

Yagi, H., Yanaka, S., Yogo, R., Ikeda, A., Onitsuka, M., Yamazaki, T., Kato, T., Park, E.Y., Yokoyama, J. and Kato, K.
Silkworm pupae function as efficient producers of recombinant glycoproteins with stable‐isotope labeling
Biomolecules 10, 1482 (2020)

Suzuki, T., Yanaka, S., Watanabe, T., Yan, G., Satoh, T., Yagi, H., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Remodeling of the oligosaccharide conformational space in the prebound state to improve lectin-binding affinity
Biochemistry 59, 3180-3185 (2020)

Hiranyakorn, M., Yanaka, S., Satoh, T., Wilasri, T., Jityuti, B., Yagi-Utsumi, M. and Kato, K.
NMR characterization of conformational interconversions of Lys48-linked ubiquitin chains
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 5351 (2020)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yanaka, S., Song, C., Satoh, T., Yamazaki, C., Kasahara, H., Shimazu, T., Murata, K. and Kato, K.
Characterization of amyloid β fibril formation under microgravity conditions
NPJ Microgravity 6, 17 (2020)

Morishima, K., Okuda, A., Inoue, R., Sato, N., Miyamoto, Y., Urade, R., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K., Hirano, R., Kujirai, T., Kurumizaka, H. and Sugiyama, M.
Integral approach to biomacromolecular structure by analytical-ultracentrifugation and small-angle scattering
Commun. Biol. 3, 294 (2020)

Satoh, T., Nishio, M., Suzuki, K., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kamiya, Y., Mizushima, T. and Kato, K.
Crystallographic snapshots of the EF-hand protein MCFD2 complexed with the intracellular lectin ERGIC-53 involved in glycoprotein transport
Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F, 76, 216-221 (2020)

Yamada, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Uekusa, Y., Aoki, K., Shimada, I., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Solid-state 17O NMR analysis of synthetically 17O-enriched D-glucosamine
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Yagi, H., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Honda, R., Ohta, Y., Saito, T., Nishio, M., Ninagawa, S., Suzuki, K., Anzai, T., Kamiya, Y., Aoki, K., Nakanishi, M., Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
Improved secretion of glycoproteins using an N-glycan-restricted passport sequence tag recognized by cargo receptor
Nature Commun. 11, Article number: 1368 (2020)

George, G., Ninagawa, S., Yagi, H., Saito, T., Ishikawa, T., Sakuma, T.,
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EDEM2 stably disulfide-bonded to TXNDC11 catalyzes the first mannose trimming step in mammalian glycoprotein ERAD
eLife 9, e53455 (2020)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Sikdar, A., Song, C., Park, J., Inoue, R., Watanabe, H., Burton-Smith, R.N., Kozai,T., Suzuki, T., Kodama, A., Ishii, K., Yagi, H., Satoh, T., Uchiyama, S., Uchihashi, T., Joo, K., Lee, J., Sugiyama, M., Murata, K. and Kato, K.
Supramolecular tholos-like architecture constituted by archaeal proteins without functional annotation
Sci. Rep. 10, Article number: 1540 (2020)

Yanaka, S., Yogo, R., Watanabe, H., Taniguchi, Y., Satoh, T., Komura, N., Ando, H., Yagi, H., Yuki, N., Uchihashi, T. and Kato, K.
On-membrane dynamic interplay between anti-GM1 IgG antibodies and complement component C1q
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 147 (2020)

De Leoz, M.L.A., Duewer, D.L., Fung, A., Liu, L., Yau, H.K., Potter, O., Staples, G.O., Furuki, K., Frenkel, R., Hu, Y., Sosic, Z., Zhang, P.,Altmann, F., Gruber, C., Shao, C., Zaia, J., Evers, W., Pangelley, S., Suckau, D., Wiechmann, A., Resemann, A., Jabs, W., Beck, A., Froehlich, J.W., Huang, C., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Sun, S., Wang, Y., Seo, Y., An, H.J., Reichardt, N.C., Ruiz, J.E., Archer‑Hartmann, S., Azadi, P., Bell, L., Lakos, Z., An, Y., F.Cipollo, J., Pučić-Baković, M., Štambuk, J., Lauc, G., Li, X., Wang, P.G., Bock, A., Hennig, R., Rapp, E., Creskey, M., Cyr, T., Nakano, M., Sugiyama,T., Leung, P.A., Link‑Lenczowski, P., Jaworek, J., Yang, S.J., Zhang, H., Kelly, T., Klapoetke, S., Cao, R., Kim, J.Y., Lee, H.K., Lee, J., Yoo, J.S., Kim, S.R., Suh, S.K., de Haan, N., Falck, D., Lageveen-Kammeijer, G.S.M., Wuhrer, M., Emery, R.J., Kozak, R.P., Liew, L.P., Royle, L., Urbanowicz, P.A., Packer, N., Song, X., Everest-Dass, A., Lattová, E., Cajic, S., Alagesan, K., Kolarich, D., Kasali, T., Lindo, V., Chen, Y., Goswami, K., Gau, B., Amunugama, R., Jones, R., Stroop,C.J.M., Kato, K., Yagi, H., Kondo, S., Yuen, C.T., Harazono, A., Shi, X., Magnelli, P., Kasper, B.T., Mahal, L.K., Harvey, D.J., O’Flaherty, R.M., Rudd, P., Saldova, R., Hecht, E.S., Muddiman, D.C., Kang, J., Bhoskar, P., Menard, D., Saati, A., Merle, C., Mast, S., Tep, S., Truong, J., Nishikaze, T., Sekiya, S., Shafer, A., Funaoka, S., Toyoda, M., de Vreugd, P., Caron, C., Pradhan, P., Tan, N.C., Mechref, Y., Patil, S., Rohrer, J.S., Chakrabarti, R., Dadke, D., Lahori, M., Zou, C., Cairo, C.W., Reiz, B., Whittal, R.M., Lebrilla, C., Wu, L.D., Guttman, A., Szigeti, M., Kremkow, B.G., Lee, K., Sihlbom, C., Adamczyk, B., Jin, C., Karlsson, N.G., Örnros, J., Larson, G., Nilsson, J., Meyer, B., Wiegandt, A., Komatsu, E., Perreault, H., Bodnar, E.D., Said, N., Francois, Y.N., Leize-Wagner, E., Maier, S., Zeck, A., Heck, A.J.R., Yang, Y., Haselberg, R., Yu, Y.Q., Alley, W., Leone, J.W., Yuan, H. and Stein, S.E.
NIST interlaboratory study on glycosylation analysis of monoclonal antibodies: Comparison of results from diverse analytical methods
Mol. Cell. Proteomics 19, 11-30 (2020)

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Cho, C., Jang, J., Y.Kang, Y., Watanabe, H., Uchihashi, T., Kim, S.J., Kato, K., Lee, J.Y. and Song, J.-J.
Structural basis of nucleosome assembly by the Abo1 AAA+ATPase histone chaperone
Nature Commun. 10, Article number: 5764 (2019)

Murakami, R., Yunoki, Y., Ishii, K., Terauchi, K., Uchiyama, S., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
Cooperative binding of KaiB to the KaiC hexamer ensures accurate circadian clock oscillation in cyanobacteria
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20, 4550 (2019)

Inoue, R., Nakagawa, T., Morishima, K., Sato, N., Okuda, A., Urade, R., Yogo, R., Yanaka, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K., Omoto, K., Ito, K. and Sugiyama, M.
Newly developed Laboratory-based Size exclusion chromatography Small-angle x-ray scattering System (La-SSS)
Sci. Rep. 9, Article number: 12610 (2019)

Yogo, R., Yamaguchi, Y., Watanabe, H., Yagi, H., Satoh, T., Nakanishi, M., Onitsuka, M., Omasa, T., Shimada,M., Maruno,T., Torisu, T., Watanabe, S., Higo, D., Uchihashi, T., Yanaka, S., Uchiyama, S., and Kato, K.
The Fab portion of immunoglobulin G contributes to its binding to Fcγ receptor III
Sci. Rep. 9, Article number: 11957 (2019)

Yanaka, S., Yogo, R., Inoue, R., Sugiyama, M., Itoh, S.G., Okumura, H., Miyanoiri, Y., Yagi, H., Satoh, T., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Dynamic views of the Fc region of immunoglobulin G provided by experimental and computational observations
Antibodies 8, 39 (2019)

Yunoki, Y., Ishii, K., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Murakami, R., Uchiyama, S., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
ATP hydrolysis by KaiC promotes its KaiA binding in the cyanobacterial circadian clock system
Life Sci. Alliance 2, e201900368 (2019)

Sekiguchi, T., Satoh, T., Kurimoto, E., Song, C., Kozai, T., Watanabe, H., Ishii, K., Yagi, H., Yanaka, S., Uchiyama, S., Uchihashi, T., Murata, K. and Kato, K.
Mutational and combinatorial control of self-assembling and disassembling of human proteasome α subunits
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20, 2308 (2019)

Satoh, T., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Okamoto, K., Kurimoto, E., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Molecular and structural basis of the proteasome subunit assembly mechanism mediated by the proteasome-assembling chaperone PAC3-PAC4 heterodimer
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20, 2231 (2019)

Harada, Y., Kizuka, Y., Tokoro, Y., Kondo, K., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Inoue, H., Taniguchi, N. and Maruyama, I.
N-glycome inheritance from cells to extracellular vesicles in B16 melanomas
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Narentuya, Y., Takeda-Uchimura, T., Foyez, Z., Zhang, T., Akama, O., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Komatsu, Y., Kadomatsu, K. and Uchimura, K.
GlcNAc6ST3 is a keratan sulfate sulfotransferase for the protein- tyrosine phosphatase PTPRZ in the adult brain
Sci. Rep. 9, Article number: 4387 (2019)

Matsui, T., Kamata, S., Ishii, K., Maruno, T., Ghanem, N., Uchiyama, S., Kato, K., Suzuki, A., Oda-Ueda, N., Ogawa,T. and Tanaka, Y.
SDS-induced oligomerization of Lys49-phospholipase A2 from snake venom
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Harada, Y., Suzuki, T., Fukushige, T., Kizuka, Y., Yagi, H., Yamamoto, M., Kondo, K., Inoue, H., Kato, K., Taniguchi, N., Kanekura, T., Dohmae, N. and Maruyama, I.
Generation of the heterogeneity of extracellular vesicles by membrane organization and sorting machineries
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Brinson, R.G., Marino, J.P., Delaglio, F., Arbogast, L.W., Evans, R.M., Kearsley, A., Gingras, G., Ghasriani, H., Aubin, Y., Pierens, G.K., Jia, X., Mobli, M., Grant, H.G., Keizer, D.W., Schweimer, K., Ståhle, J., Widmalm, G., Zartler, E.R., Lawrence, C.W., Reardon, P.N., Cort, J.R., Xu, P., Ni, F., Yanaka, S., Kato, K., Parnham, S.R., Tsao, D., Blomgren, A., Rundlöf, T., Trieloff, N., Schmieder, P., Ross, A., Skidmore, K., Chen, K., Keire, D., Freedberg, D.I., Suter-Stahel, T., Wider, G., Ilc, G., Plavec, J., Bradley, S.A., Baldisseri, D.M., Sforça, M.L., Zeri, A.C.M., Wei, J.Y., Szabo, C.M., Amezcua, C.A., Jordan, J.B. and Wikström, M.
Enabling adoption of 2D-NMR for the higher order structure assessment of monoclonal antibody therapeutics
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Itoh, S.G., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K. and Okumura, H.
Effects of a hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface on amyloid-β peptides studied by molecular dynamics simulations and NMR experiments
J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 160-169 (2019)

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Sakata, Y., Yabunaka, K., Kobayashi, Y., Omiya, H., Umezawa, N., Kim, H.-S., Wataya, Y., Tomita, Y., Hisamatsu, Y., Kato, N., Yagi, H., Satoh, T., Kato, K., Ishikawa, H. and Higuchi, T.
Potent antimalarial activity of two arenes linked with triamine, designed to have multiple interactions with heme
ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 9, 980-985 (2018)

Hisamatsu, Y., Umezawa, N., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Higuchi, T.
Design and synthesis of a 4-aminoquinoline-based molecular tweezer that recognizes protoporphyrin IX and iron(III) protoporphyrin IX and its application as a supramolecular photosensitizer
Chem. Sci. 9, 7455-7467 (2018)

Morita, K., Yamamoto, Y.Y., Hori, A., Obata, T., Uno, Y., Shinohara, K., Noguchi, K., Noi, K., Ogura, T., Ishii, K., Kato, K., Kikumoto, M., Arranz, R., Valpuesta, J.M. and Yohda, M.
Expression, functional characterization, and preliminary crystallization of the cochaperone prefoldin from the thermophilic fungus Chaetomium thermophilum
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19, 2452 (2018)

Yanaka, S., Yagi, H., Yogo, R., Yagi-Utsumi, M. and Kato, K.
Stable isotope labeling approaches for NMR characterization of glycoproteins using eukaryotic expression systems
J. Biomol. NMR 71, 193-202 (2018)

Sriwilaijaroen, N., Nakakita, S., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Murata, T., Hiramatsu, H., Kawahara, T., Watanabe, Y., Kanai, Y., Ono, T., Hirabayashi, J., Matsumoto, K. and Suzuki, Y.
N-glycan structures of human alveoli provide insight into influenza A virus infection and pathogenesis
FEBS J. 285, 1611-1634 (2018)

Mukaigasa, K., Tsujita, T., Nguyen, V.T., Li, L., Yagi, H., Fuse, Y., Nakajima-Takagi, Y., Kato, K., Yamamoto, M. and Kobayashi, M.
Nrf2 activation attenuates genetic endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by a mutation in the phosphomannomutase 2 gene in zebrafish
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 2758-2763 (2018)

Yogo, R., Yanaka, S. and Kato, K.
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N assignments of the extracellular region of human Fcγ receptor IIIb
Biomol. NMR Assign. 12, 201-204 (2018)

Kato, K., Furuhashi, T., Kato, K., Oda, A. and Kurimoto, E.
The assembly mechanism of coiled-coil domains of the yeast cargo receptors Emp46p/47p and the mutational alteration of pH-dependency of complex formation
J. Biochem. 163, 441-446 (2018)

Yagi, H., Takakura, D., Roumenina, L.T., Fridman, W.H., Sautès-Fridman, C., Kawasaki, N. and Kato, K.
Site-specific N-glycosylation analysis of soluble Fcγ receptor IIIb in human serum
Sci. Rep. 8, Article number: 2719 (2018)

Kicuntod, J., Sangpheak, K., Mueller, M., Wolschann, P., Viernstein, H., Yanaka, S., Kato, K., Chavasiri, W., Pongsawasdi, P., Kungwan, N. and Rungrotmongkol, T.
Theoretical and experimental studies on inclusion complexes of pinostrobin and β-cyclodextrins
Sci. Pharm. 86, 5 (2018)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Sikdar, A., Kozai, T., Inoue, R., Sugiyama, M., Uchihashi, T., Yagi, H., Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
Conversion of functionally undefined homopentameric protein PbaA into a proteasome activator by mutational modification of its C-terminal segment conformation
Protein Eng. Des. Sel. 31, 29-36 (2018)

Yagi, H., Yan, G., Suzuki, T., Tsuge, S., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Lewis X-carrying neoglycolipids evoke selective apoptosis in neural stem cells
Neurochem. Res. 43, 212-218 (2018)

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Kozai, T., Sekiguchi, T., Satoh, T., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Uchihashi, T.
Two-step process for disassembly mechanism of proteasome α7 homo-tetradecamer by α6 revealed by high-speed atomic force microscopy
Sci. Rep. 7, Article number: 15373 (2017)

Takenaka, T., Nakamura, T., Yanaka, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Chandak, M.S., Takahashi, K., Paul, S., Makabe, K., Arai, M., Kato, K. and Kuwajima, K.
Formation of the chaperonin complex studied by 2D NMR spectroscopy
PLoS ONE 12, e0187022 (2017)

Sakae, Y., Satoh, T., Yagi, H., Yanaka, S., Yamaguchi, T., Isoda, Y., Iida, S., Okamoto, Y. and Kato, K.
Conformational effects of N-glycan core fucosylation of immunoglobulin G Fc region on its interaction with Fcγ receptor IIIa
Sci. Rep. 7, Article number: 13780 (2017)

Yanaka, S., Yamazaki, T., Yogo, R., Noda, M., Uchiyama, S., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
NMR detection of semi-specific antibody interactions in serum environments
Molecules 22, 1619 (2017)

Kitazawa, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K. and Kitahara, R.
Interactions controlling the slow dynamic conformational motions of ubiquitin
Molecules 22, 1414 (2017)

Satoh, T., Song, C., Zhu, T., Toshimori, T., Murata, K., Hayashi, Y., Kamikubo, H., Uchihashi, T. and Kato, K.
Visualisation of a flexible modular structure of the ER folding-sensor enzyme UGGT
Sci. Rep. 7, Article number: 12142 (2017)

Yogo, R., Yanaka, S., Yagi, H., Martel, A., Porcar, L., Ueki, Y., Inoue, R., Sato, N., Sugiyama, M. and Kato, K.
Characterization of conformational deformation-coupled interaction between immunoglobulin G1 Fc glycoprotein and a low-affinity Fcγ receptor by deuteration-assisted small-angle neutron scattering
Biochem. Biophys. Rep. 12, 1-4 (2017)

Yagi, H., Tateno, H., Hayashi, K., Hayashi, T., Takahashi, K., Hirabayashi, J., Kato, K. and Tsuboi, M.
Lectin microarray analysis of isolated polysaccharides from Sasa veitchii
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 81, 1687-1689 (2017)

Kato, T., Kikuta, K., Kanematsu, A., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Park, E.Y.
Alteration of a recombinant protein N-glycan structure in silkworms by partial suppression of N-acetylglucosaminidase gene expression
Biotechnol. Lett. 39, 1299-1308 (2017)

Yan, G., Yamaguchi, T., Suzuki, T., Yanaka, S., Sato, S., Fujita, M. and Kato, K.
Hyper-assembly of self-assembled glycoclusters mediated by specific carbohydrate–carbohydrate interactions
Chem. Asian J. 12, 968-972 (2017)

Kato, T., Kako, N., Kikuta, K., Miyazaki, T., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Park, E.Y.
N-Glycan modification of a recombinant protein via coexpression of human glycosyltransferases in silkworm pupae
Sci. Rep. 7, Article number: 1409 (2017)

Kurimoro, E., Satoh, T., Ito, Y., Ishihara, E., Okamoto, K., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Crystal structure of human proteasome assembly chaperone PAC4 involved in proteasome formation
Protein Sci. 26, 1080-1085 (2017)

Sawaguchi, S., Vershney, S., Ogawa, M., Sakaidani, Y., Yagi, H., Takeshita, K., Murohara, T., Kato, K., Sundaram, S., Stanley, P. and Okajima,T.
O-GlcNAc on NOTCH1 EGF repeats regulates ligand-induced Notch signaling and vascular development in mammals.
eLife 6, e24419 (2017)

Nagae, M., Mishra, S.K., Neyazaki, M., Oi, R., Ikeda, A., Matsugaki, N., Akashi, S., Manya, H., Mizuno, M., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Senda, T., Endo, T., Nogi, T. and Yamaguchi, Y.
3D structural analysis of protein O-mannosyl kinase, POMK, a causative gene product of dystroglycanopathy
Genes Cells 22, 348-359 (2017)

Yoshimura, T., Hayashi, A., Handa-Narumi, M., Yagi, H., Ohno, N., Koike, T., Yamaguchi, Y.,Uchimura, K., Kadomatsu, K., Sedzik, J., Kitamura, K., Kato, K., Trapp, B.D., Baba, H. and Ikenaka, K.
GlcNAc6ST-1 regulates sulfation of N-glycans and myelination in the peripheral nervous system
Sci. Rep. 7, Article number: 42257 (2017)

Suzuki, T., Kajino,M., Yanaka,S., Zhu,T., Yagi,H., Satoh,T., Yamaguchi,T. and Kato,K.
Conformational analysis of a high-mannose-type oligosaccharide displaying glucosyl determinant recognised by molecular chaperones using NMR-validated molecular dynamics simulation
ChemBioChem 18, 396-410 (2017)

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Yagi, H., Kuo, C.-W., Obayashi, T., Ninagawa, S., Khoo, K-H. and Kato, K.
Direct mapping of additional modifications on phosphorylated O-glycans of α-dystroglycan by mass spectrometry analysis in conjunction with knocking out of causative genes for dystroglycanopathy
Mol. Cell. Proteomics 15, 3424-3434 (2016)

Satoh, T., Toshimori, T., Noda, M., Uchiyama, S. and Kato, K.
Interaction mode between catalytic and regulatory subunits in glucosidase II involved in ER glycoprotein quality control
Protein Sci. 25, 2095-2101 (2016)

Sugiyama, M., Yagi, H., Ishii, K., Porcare, L., Martele, A., Oyama, K., Noda, M., Yunoki, Y., Murakami, R., Inoue, R., Sato, N., Oba, Y., Terauchi, K., Uchiyama, S. and Kato, K.
Structural characterization of the circadian clock protein complex composed of KaiB and KaiC by inverse contrast-matching small-angle neutron scattering
Sci. Rep. 6, Article number: 35567 (2016)

Ito, H., Kaji, H., Togayachi, A., Azadi, P., Ishihara, M., Geyer, R., Galuska, C., Geyer, H., Kakehi, K., Kinoshita, M., Karlsson, N.G., Jin, C., Kato, K., Yagi, H., Kondo, S., Kawasaki, N., Hashii, N., Kolarich, D., Stavenhagen, K., Packer, N.H., Thaysen-Andersen, M., Nakano, M., Taniguchi, N., Kurimoto, A., Wada, Y., Tajiri, M., Yang, P., Cao, W., Li, H., Rudd, P.M. and Narimatsu, H.
Comparison of analytical methods for profiling N– and O-linked glycans from cultured cell lines: HUPO Human Disease Glycomics/Proteome Initiative multi-institutional study
Glycoconjugate J. 33, 405-415 (2016)

Inoue, R., Takata, T., Fujii, N., Ishii, K., Uchiyama, S., Sato, N., Oba, Y., Wood, K,. Kato, K., Fujii, N. and Sugiyama, M.
New insight into the dynamical system of αB-crystallin oligomers
Sci. Rep. 6, Article number: 29208 (2016)

Thammaporn, R., Ishii, K., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Uchiyama, S., Hannongbua, S. and Kato, K.
Mass spectrometric characterization of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase interactions with non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 39, 450-454 (2016)

Satoh, T., Toshimori, T., Yan, G., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Structural basis for two-step glucose trimming by glucosidase II involved in ER glycoprotein quality control
Sci. Rep. 6, Article number: 20575 (2016)

Seetaha, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, T., Ishii, K., Hannongbua, S., Choowongkomon, K. and Kato, K.
Application of site-specific spin labeling for NMR detecting inhibitor-induced conformational change of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase
ChemMedChem 11, 363-366 (2016)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K. and Nishimura, K.
Membrane-induced dichotomous conformation of amyloid β with the disordered N-terminal segment followed by the stable C-terminal β structure
PLoS ONE 11, e0146405 (2016)

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Ishii, K., Noda, M., Yagi, H., Thammaporn, R., Seetaha, S., Satoh, T., Kato, K. and Uchiyama, S.
Disassembly of the self-assembled, double-ring structure of proteasome α7 homo-tetradecamer by α6
Sci. Rep. 5, Article number: 18167 (2015)

Kanematsu, Y., Kamiya, Y., Matsuo, K., Gekko, K., Kato, K. and Tachikawa, M.
Isotope effect on the circular dichroism spectrum of methyl α-D-glucopyranoside in aqueous solution
Sci. Rep. 5, Article number: 17900 (2015)

Zhu, T., Yamaguchi, T., Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
A hybrid strategy for the preparation of 13C-labeled high-mannose-type oligosaccharides with terminal glucosylation for NMR study
Chem. Lett. 44, 1744-1746 (2015)

Ninagawa, S., Okada, T., Sumitomo, Y., Horimoto, S., Sugimoto, T., Ishikawa, T., Takeda, S., Yamamoto, T., Suzuki, T., Kamiya, Y., Kato, K. and Mori, K.
Forcible destruction of severely misfolded mammalian glycoproteins by the non-glycoprotein ERAD pathway
J. Cell Biol. 211, 775-784 (2015)

Thammaporn, R., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, T., Boonsri, P., Saparpakorn, P., Choowongkomon, K., Techasakul, S., Kato, K. and Hannongbua, S.
NMR characterization of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase binding to various non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors with different activities
Sci. Rep. 5, Article number: 15806 (2015)

Ishii, K., Enda, H., Noda, M., Kajino, M., Kim, A., Kurimoto, E., Sato, K., Nakano, A., Kobayashi, Y., Yagi, H., Uchiyama, S. and Kato, K.
pH-dependent assembly and segregation of the coiled-coil segments of yeast putative cargo receptors Emp46p and Emp47p
PLoS ONE 10, e0140287 (2015)

Isoda, Y., Yagi, H., Satoh, T., Shibata-Koyama, M., Masuda, K., Satoh, M., Kato, K. and Iida, S.
Importance of the side chain at position 296 of antibody Fc in interactions with FcγRIIIa and other Fcγ receptors
PLoS ONE 10, e0140120 (2015)

Inagaki, K., Satoh, T., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Le Gulluche, A-C., Anzai, T., Uekusa, Y., Kamiya, Y. and Kato, K.
Redox-coupled structural changes of the catalytic a′ domain of protein disulfide isomerase
FEBS Lett. 589, 2690-2694 (2015)

Yagi, H., Zhang, Y., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, T., Iida, S., Yamaguchi, Y. and Kato, K.
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments of the Fc fragment of human immunoglobulin G glycoprotein
Biomol. NMR Assign. 9, 257-260 (2015)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
Structural basis of redox-dependent substrate binding of protein disulfide isomerase
Sci. Rep. 5, Article number: 13909 (2015)

Sato, S., Yoshimasa, Y., Fujita, D., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, T., Kato, K. and Fujita, M.
A self-assembled spherical complex displaying a gangliosidic glycan cluster capable of interacting with amyloidogenic proteins
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 127, 8555-8559 (2015)

Nakagawa, N., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Takematsu, H., and Oka, S.
Ectopic clustering of Cajal-Retzius and subplate cells is an initial pathological feature in Pomgnt2-knockout mice, a model of dystroglycanopathy
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Kang, S.H., Jung, H.S., Lee1, S.J., Park, C.I., Lim, S.M., Park, H., Kim, B.S., Na, K.H., Han, G.J., Bae, J.W., Park, H.J., Bang, K.C., Park, B.T., Hwang, H.S., Jung, I-Soo., Kim, J.I., Oh, D.B., Kim, D.I., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Kim, D.K. and Kim, H.H.
Glycan structure and serum half-life of recombinant CTLA4Ig, an immunosuppressive agent, expressed in suspension-cultured rice cells with coexpression of human β1,4-galactosyltransferase and human CTLA4Ig
Glycoconjugate J. 32, 161-172 (2015)

Yagi, H., Nakamura, M., Yokoyama, J., Zhang, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Kondo, S., Kobayashi, J., Kato, T., Park, E.Y., Nakazawa, S., Hashii, N., Kawasaki, N. and Kato, K.
Stable isotope labeling of glycoprotein expressed in silkworms using immunoglobulin G as a test molecule
J. Biomol. NMR 62, 157-167 (2015)

Yagi, H., Fukuzawa, N., Tasaka, Y., Matsuo, K., Zhang, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Kondo, S., Nakazawa, S., Hashii, N., Kawasaki, N., Matsumura, T. and Kato, K
NMR-based structural validation of therapeutic antibody produced in Nicotiana benthamiana
Plant Cell Rep. 34, 959-968 (2015)

Kitago, Y., Nagae, M., Nakata, Z., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Takagi-Niidome, S., Mihara, E., Nogi, T., Kato, K. and Takagi, J.
Structural basis for amyloidogenic peptide recognition by sorLA
Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 22, 199-206 (2015)

Sato, S., Takeuchi, R., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Fujita, M.
Self-assembled, π-stacked complex as a finely-tunable magnetic aligner for protein RDC observation
Chem. Commun. 51, 2540-2543 (2015)

Ogawa, M., Sawaguchi, S., Kawai, T., Nadano, D., Matsuda, T., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Furukawa, K. and Okajima, T.
Impaired O-linked N-acetylglucosaminylation in the endoplasmic reticulum by mutated EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase found in Adams-Oliver syndrome
J. Biol. Chem. 290, 2137-2149 (2015)

Inagaki, K., Satoh, T., Itoh, S.G., Okumura, H. and Kato, K.
Redox-dependent conformational transition of catalytic domain of protein disulfide isomerase indicated by crystal structure-based molecular dynamics simulation
Chem. Phys. Lett. 618, 203-207 (2015)

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Zhu, T., Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
Structural insight into substrate recognition by the endoplasmic reticulum folding-sensor enzyme: crystal structure of third thioredoxin-like domain of UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase
Sci. Rep. 4, Article number: 7322 (2014)

Sikdar, A., Satoh, T., Kawasaki, M. and Kato, K.
Crystal structure of archaeal homolog of proteasome-assembly chaperone PbaA
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 453, 493-497 (2014)

Satoh, T., Sumiyoshi, A., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Sakata, E., Sasakawa, H., Kurimoto, E., Yamaguchi, Y., Li, W., Joazeiro, C.A.P., Hirokawa, T. and Kato, K.
Mode of substrate recognition by the Josephin domain of ataxin-3, which has an endo-type deubiquitinase activity
FEBS Lett. 588, 4422-4430 (2014)

Yamaguchi, T., Sakae, Y., Zhang, Y., Yamamoto, S., Okamoto, Y. and Kato, K.
Exploration of conformational spaces of high-mannose-type oligosaccharides by an NMR-validated simulation
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 10941-10944 (2014)

Kawasaki, N., Okumoto, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Takahashi, N., Fridman, W.H., Sautès-Fridman, C., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
Site-specific classification of N-linked oligosaccharides of the extracellular regions of Fcγ receptor IIIb expressed in baby hamster kidney cells
J. Glycomics Lipidomics 4:116. doi:10.4172/2153-0637.1000116 (2014)

Uekusa, Y., Okawa, K., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Serve, O., Nakagawa, Y., Mizushima, T., Yagi, H., Saeki, Y., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N assignments of yeast Ump1, an intrinsically disordered protein that functions as a proteasome assembly chaperone
Biomol. NMR Assign. 8, 383-386 (2014)

Ninagawa, S., Okada, T., Sumitomo, Y., Kamiya, Y., Kato, K., Horimoto, S., Ishikawa, T., Takeda, S., Sakuma, T., Yamamoto, T. and Mori, K.
EDEM2 initiates mammalian glycoprotein ERAD by catalyzing the first mannose trimming step
J. Cell Biol. 206, 347-356 (2014)

Takagi, K., Saeki, Y., Yashiroda, H., Yagi, H., Kaiho, A., Murata, S., Yamane, T., Tanaka, K., Mizushima, T. and Kato, K.
Pba3–Pba4 heterodimer acts as a molecular matchmaker in proteasome α-ring formation
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Tagawa, M., Shirane, K., Yu, L., Sato, T., Furukawa, S., Mizuguchi, H., Kuji, R., Kawamura, K., Takahashi, N., Kato, K., Hayakawa, S., Sawada, S. and Furukawa, K.
Enhanced expression of the β4-galactosyltransferase 2 gene impairs mammalian tumor growth
Cancer Gene Therapy 21, 219-227 (2014)

Satoh, T., Saeki, Y., Hiromoto, T., Wang, Y.-H., Uekusa, Y., Yagi, H., Yoshihara, H., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Mizushima, T., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Structural basis for proteasome formation controlled by an assembly chaperone Nas2
Structure 22, 731-743 (2014)

Doi, T., Yoshida, M., Ohsawa, K., Shin-ya, K., Takagi, M., Uekusa, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Kato, K., Hirokawa, T. and Natsume, T.
Total synthesis and characterization of thielocin B1 as a protein–protein interaction inhibitor of PAC3 homodimer
Chem. Sci. 5, 1860-1868 (2014)

Satoh, T., Suzuki, K., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Structural basis for disparate sugar-binding specificities in the homologous cargo receptors ERGIC-53 and VIP36
PLoS ONE 9, e87963 (2014)

Sugiyama, M., Yagi, H., Yamaguchi, T., Kumoi, K., Hirai, M., Oba, Y., Sato, N., Porcar, L., Martele, A. and Kato, K.
Conformational characterization of a protein complex involving intrinsically disordered protein by small-angle neutron scattering using the inverse contrast matching method: a case study of interaction between α-synuclein and PbaB tetramer as a model chaperone
J. Appl. Crystallography 47, 430-435 (2014)

Kitazawa, S., Kameda, T., Kumo, A., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Sugase, K., Baxter, N.J., Kato, K., Williamson, M.P. and Kitahara, R.
Close identity between alternatively folded state N2 of ubiquitin and the conformation of the protein bound to the ubiquitin-activating enzyme
Biochemistry 53, 447-449 (2014)

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Yagi, H., Nakagawa, N., Saito, T., Kiyonari, H., Abe, T., Toda, T., Wu, S.W., Khoo, K.-H., Oka, S. and Kato, K.
AGO61-dependent GlcNAc modification primes the formation of functional glycans on α-dystroglycan
Sci. Rep. 3, Article number:3288 (2013)

Horimoto, S., Ninagawa, S., Okada, T., Koba, H., Sugimoto, T., Kamiya, Y., Kato, K., Takeda, S. and Mori, K.
The unfolded protein response transducer ATF6 represents a novel transmembrane-type endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation substrate requiring both mannose trimming and SEL1L protein
J. Biol. Chem. 288, 31517-31527 (2013)

Araki, K., Iemura, S., Kamiya, Y., Ron, D., Kato, K., Natsume, T. and Nagata, K.
Ero1-α and PDIs constitute a hierarchical electron transfer network of endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductases
J. Cell Biol. 202, 861-874 (2013)

Chandak, M.S., Nakamura, T., Makabe, K., Takenaka, T., Mukaiyama, A., Chaudhuri, T.K., Kato, K. and Kuwajima, K.
The H/D-exchange kinetics of the Escherichia coli co-chaperonin GroES studied by 2D NMR and DMSO-quenched exchange methods
J. Mol. Biol. 425, 2541-2560 (2013)

Kurimoto, E., Kuroki, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Igaki, T., Iguchi, T, Maenaka, K. and Kato, K.
Structural and functional mosaic nature of MHC class I molecules in their peptide-free form
Mol. Immunol. 55, 393-399 (2013)

Nishida, N., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Motojima, F., Yoshida, M., Shimada, I. and Kato, K.
Nuclear magnetic resonance approaches for characterizing interactions between the bacterial chaperonin GroEL and unstructured proteins
J. Biosci. Bioeng. 116, 160-164 (2013)

Yoon, S.-J., Utkina, N., Sadilek, M., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Hakomori, S.
Self-recognition of high-mannose type glycans mediating adhesion of embryonal fibroblasts
Glycoconj. J. 30, 485-496 (2013)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kunihara, T., Nakamura, T., Uekusa, Y., Makabe, K., Kuwajima, K. and Kato, K.
NMR characterization of interaction of GroEL with amyloid β as a model ligand
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Yamaguchi, T., Kamiya, Y., Choo, Y.-M., Yamamoto, S. and Kato, K.
Terminal spin labeling of a high-mannose-type oligosaccharide for quantitative NMR analysis of its dynamic conformation
Chem. Lett. 42, 544-546 (2013)

Chandak, M.S., Nakamura, T., Takenaka, T., Chaudhuri, T.K., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Chen, J., Kato, K. and Kuwajima, K.
The use of spin desalting columns in DMSO-quenched H/D-exchange NMR experiments
Protein Sci. 22, 486-491 (2013)

Fujimori, T., Kamiya, Y., Nagata, K., Kato, K. and Hosokawa, N.
Endoplasmic reticulum lectin XTP3-B inhibits endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of a misfolded α1-antitrypsin variant
FEBS J. 8, 1563-1575 (2013)

Kumoi, K., Satoh, T., Murata, K., Hiromoto, T., Mizushima, T., Kamiya, Y., Noda, M., Uchiyama, S., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
An archaeal homolog of proteasome assembly factor functions as a proteasome activator
PLoS ONE 8, e60294 (2013)

Kitazawa, S., Kameda, T., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Sugase, K., Baxter, N.J., Kato, K., Williamson, M.P., and Kitahara, R.
Solution structure of the Q41N variant of ubiquitin as a model for the alternatively folded N2 state of ubiquitin
Biochemistry 52, 1874−1885 (2013)

Sugiyama, M., Sahashi, H., Kurimoto, E., Takata, S., Yagi, H., Kanai, K., Sakata, E., Minami, Y., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Spatial arrangement and functional role of α subunits of proteasome activator PA28 in hetero-oligomeric form
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 432, 141-145 (2013)

Mondal, G., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Chatterjee, B.P.
Multidimensional HPLC analysis of N-linked glycans of serum alpha-1-acid glycoprotein in chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis B-induced liver cirrhosis patients
Trends in Carbohydrate Research 5, 11-19 (2013)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Boonsri, P., Iguchi, T., Okemoto, K., Natori, S. and Kato, K.
Stable isotope-assisted NMR characterization of interaction between lipid A and sarcotoxin IA, a cecropin-type antibacterial peptide
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 431, 136-140 (2013)

Kamiya, Y., Yanagi, K., Kitajima, T., Yamaguchi, T., Chiba, Y. and Kato, K.
Application of metabolic 13C labeling in conjunction with high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for comparative conformational analysis of high mannose-type oligosaccharides
Biomolecules 3, 108-123 (2013)

Yamaguchi, T., Uno, T., Uekusa, Y., Yagi-Utsumi, M. and Kato, K.
Ganglioside-embedding small bicelles for probing membrane-landing processes of intrinsically disordered proteins
Chem. Commun. 49, 1235-1237 (2013)

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Fujii, T., Urushihara, M., Kashida, H., Ito, H., Liang, X., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kato, K. and Asanuma, H.
Reversed assembling of dyes in an RNA duplex compared with those in DNA
Chem. Euro. J. 18, 13304-13313 (2012)

Fujita, D., Suzuki, K., Sato, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Mizuno, N., Kumasaka, T., Takata, M., Noda, M., Uchiyama, S., Kato, K. and Fujita, M.
Protein encapsulation within synthetic molecular hosts
Nature Commun. 3, 1093 (2012)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yoshikawa, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Nishi, Y., Kurimoto, E., Ishida, Y., Homma, T., Hoseki, J., Nishikawa, Y., Koide, T., Nagata, K. and Kato, K.
NMR and mutational identification of the collagen-binding site of the chaperone Hsp47
PLoS ONE 7, e45930 (2012)

Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Kamiya, Y., Ito, A., Kuhara, M., Kudoh, A., Takahashi, N., and Kato, K.
N-Glycosylation profiles of chicken immunoglobulin Y glycoproteins expressed by different production vehicles
J. Glycomics Lipidomics S5:002. doi:10.4172/2153-0637.S5-002 (2012)

Uekusa, Y., Mimura, S., Sasakawa, H., Kurimoto, E., Sakata, E., Serve, O., Yagi, H., Tokunaga, F., Iwai, K. and Kato, K.
Backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N assignments of the ubiquitin-like domation of human HOIL-1L, an essential component of linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex
Biomol. NMR Assign. 6, 177-180 (2012)

Yagi, H., Saito, T., Yanagisawa, M., Yu, R.K. and Kato, K.
Lewis X-carrying N-glycans regulate the proliferation of mouse embryonic neural stem cells via the Notch signaling pathway
J. Biol. Chem. 287, 24356-24364 (2012)

Zhang, Y., Yamamoto, S., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Application of paramagnetic NMR-validated molecular dynamics simulation to the analysis of a conformational ensemble of a branched oligosaccharide
Molecules 17, 6658–6671 (2012)

Sriwilaijaroen, N., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Hiramatsu, H., Nakakita, S., Yamada, K., Ito, H., Hirabayashi, J., Narimatsu, H., Kato, K. and Suzuki, Y.
Bovine milk whey for preparation of natural N-glycans: structural and quantitative analysis
Open Glycoscience 5, 41-50 (2012)

Yagi, H., Watanabe, S., Suzuki, T., Takahashi, T., Suzuki, Y. and Kato, K.
Comparative analysis of N-glycosylation profiles of influenza A viruses grown in different host cells
Open Glycoscience 5, 2-12 (2012)

Yagi, H., Ishimoto, K., Hiromoto, T., Fujita, H., Mizushima, T., Uekusa, Y., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kurimoto, E., Noda, M., Uchiyama, S., Tokunaga F, Iwai K and Kato K
A non-canonical UBA-UBL interaction forms the linear-ubiquitin-chain assembly complex
EMBO Rep. 13, 462-468 (2012)

Kim, S., Nishide, A., Saeki, Y., Takagi, K., Tanaka, K., Kato, K. and Mizushima, T.
New crystal structure of the proteasome-dedicated chaperone Rpn14 at 1.6 A resolution
Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F, 68, 517-521 (2012)

Kamiya, Y., Uekusa, Y., Sumiyoshi, A., Sasakawa, H., Hirao, T., Suzuki, T. and Kato, K.
NMR characterization of the interaction between the PUB domaion of peptide:N-glycanase and ubiquitin-like domain of HR23
FEBS Lett. 586, 1141-1146 (2012)

Yamamoto, S., Zhang, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Kameda, T. and Kato, K.
Lanthanide-assisted NMR evaluation of a dynamic ensemble of oligosaccharide conformations
Chem. Commun. 48, 4752-4754 (2012)

Takagi, K., Kim, S., Yukii, H., Ueno, M., Morishita, R., Endo, Y., Kato, K., Tanaka, K., Saeki, Y. and Mizushima, T.
Structural basis for specific recognition of Rpt1p, an ATPase subunit of the 26 S proteasome, by the proteasome-dedicated chaperone Hsm3p
J. Biol. Chem. 287, 12172-12182 (2012)

Fujita, D., Suzuki, K., Sato, S., Yagi-Utsumi M., Kurimoto, E., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Fujita, M.
Synthesis of a bridging ligand with a non-denaturated protein pendant: Toward protein encapsulation in a coordination cage
Chem. Lett. 41, 313-315 (2012)

Mauri, L., Casellato, R., Ciampa, M. G., Uekusa, Y., Kato, K., Kaida, K., Motoyama, M., Kusunoki, S. and Sonnino, S.
Anti-GM1/GD1a complex antibodies in GBS sera specifically recognize the hybrid dimer GM1-GD1a
Glycobiology 22, 352-360 (2012)

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Yagi, H., Ohno, E., Kondo, S., Yoshida, A. and Kato, K.
Development and application of multidimensional HPLC mapping method for O-linked oligosaccharides
Biomolecules 1, 48-62 (2011)

Mizushima, T., Yagi, H., Takemoto, E., Shibata-Koyama, M., Isoda, Y., Iida, S., Masuda, K., Satoh, M. and Kato, K.
Structural basis for improved efficacy of therapeutic antibodies on defucosylation of their glycans
Genes Cells 16, 1071-1080 (2011)

Hirano, T., Serve, O., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Takemoto, E., Hiromoto, T., Satoh, T., Mizushima, T. and Kato, K.
Conformational dynamics of wild-type Lys-48-linked diubiquitin in solution
J. Biol. Chem. 286, 37496-37502 (2011)

Sugiyama, M., Kurimoto, E., Yagi, H., Mori, K., Fukunaga, T., Hirai, M., Zaccai, G. and Kato, K.
Kinetic asymmetry of subunit exchange of homooligomeric protein as revealed by deuteration-assisted small-angle neutron scattering
Biophys. J. 101, 2037-2042 (2011)

Hanashima, S., Kato, K. and Yamaguchi, Y.
13C-NMR quantification of proton exchange at LewisX hydroxyl groups in water
Chem. Comm. 47, 10800-108002 (2011)

Yamamoto, S., Yamaguchi, T., Erdelyi, M., Griesinger, C. and Kato, K.
Paramagnetic lanthanide tagging for NMR conformational analyses of N-linked oligosaccharides
Chem. Euro. J. 17, 9280-9282 (2011)

Kamiya, Y., Yamamoto, S., Chiba, Y., Jigami, Y., and Kato, K.
Overexpression of a homogeneous oligosaccharide with 13C labeling by genetically engineered yeast strain
J. Biomol. NMR 50, 397-401 (2011)

Asamitsu, K., Hibi, Y., Imai, K., Victoriano, A.F.B., Kurimoto, E., Kato, K. and Okamoto, T.
Functional characterization of human cyclin T1 N-terminal region for human immunodeficiency virus-1 Tat transcriptional activation
J. Mol. Biol. 410, 887-895 (2011)

Sriwilaijaroen, N., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Takemae, N., Saito, T., Hiramatsu,H., Kato, K. and Suzuki, Y.
N-Glycans from porcine trachea and lung: Predominant NeuAcα2-6Gal could be a selective pressure for influenza variants in favor of human-type receptor
PLoS ONE 6, e16302 (2011)

Kanagawa, M., Satoh, T., Ikeda, A., Nakano, Y., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Kojima-Aikawa, K. and Yamaguchi, Y.
Crystal structures of human secretory proteins ZG16p and ZG16b reveal a Jacalin-related β-prism fold
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 404, 201-205 (2011)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Matsuo, K., Yanagisawa, K., Gekko, K. and Kato, K.
Spectroscopic characterization of intermolecular interaction of Aβ molecules promoted on GM1 micelles
Int. J. Alzheimer’s Dis. 2011, ID 950932 (2011)

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Yagi, H., Yanagisawa, M., Suzuki, Y., Nakatani, Y., Ariga, T., Kato, K. and Yu, R.K.
HNK-1 epitope-carrying Tenascin-C spliced variant regulates the proliferation of mouse embryonic neural stem cells
J. Biol. Chem. 285, 37293-37301 (2010)

Sugiyama, M., Kurimoto, E., Sahashi, H., Sakata, E., Morimoto, Y., Itoh, K., Mori, K., Fukunaga, T., Minami, Y. and Kato, K.
SANS investigation of assembly state of proteasome activator 28 and the 20S proteasome
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 247, 012020 (2010)

Nakagawa, T., Takeishi, S., Kameyama, A., Yagi, H., Yoshioka, T., Moriwaki, K., Masuda, T., Matsumoto, H., Kato, K., Narimatsu, H., Taniguchi, N. and Miyoshi, E.
Glycomic analyses of glycoproteins in bile and serum during rat hepatocarcinogenesis
J. Proteome Res. 9, 4888-4896 (2010)

Satoh, T., Sakata, E., Yamamoto, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Sumiyoshi, A., Wakatsuki, S. and Kato, K.
Crystal structure of cyclic Lys48-linked tetraubiquitin
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 400, 329-333 (2010)

Nakasako, M., Maeno, A., Kurimoto, E., Harada, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Oka, T., Takayama, Y., Iwata, A. and Kato, K.
Redox-dependent domain rearrangement of protein disulfide isomerase from a thermophilic fungus
Biochemistry 49, 6953-6962 (2010)

Masuda, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Takahashi, N., Jefferis, R. and Kato, K.
Mutational deglycosylation of the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G causes O-sulfation of tyrosine adjacently preceding the originally glycosylated site
FEBS Lett. 584, 3474-3479 (2010)

Yagi, H., Yanagisawa, M., Kato, K. and Yu, R.K.
Lysosome-associated membrane protein 1 is a major SSEA-1-carrier protein in mouse neural stem cells
Glycobiology 20, 976-981 (2010)

Kim, S., Saeki, Y., Fukunaga, K., Suzuki, A., Takagi, K., Yamane, T., Tanaka, K., Mizushima, T. and Kato, K.
Crystal structure of yeast Rpn14, a chaperone of the 19 S regulatory particle of the proteasome
J. Biol. Chem. 285, 15159-15166 (2010)

Hosokawa, N., Tremblay, L.O., Sleno, B., Kamiya, Y., Wada, I., Nagata, K., Kato, K. and Herscovics, A.
EDEM1 accelerates the trimming of α1,2-linked mannose on the C branch of N-glycans
Glycobiology 20, 567-575 (2010)

Sandoval, C.A., Bie, F., Matsuoka, A., Yamaguchi, Y., Naka, H., Li, Y., Kato, K., Utsumi, N., Tsutsumi, K., Ohkuma, T., Murata, K. and Noyori, R.
Chiral η6-arene/N-tosylethylenediamine-ruthenium(II) complexes: Solution behavior and catalytic activity for asymmetric hydrogenation
Chem. Asian J. 5, 806-816 (2010)

Hoseki, J., Sasakawa, H., Yamaguchi, Y., Maeda, M., Kubota, H., Kato, K. and Nagata K.
Solution structure and dynamics of mouse ARMET
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Wada, Y., Dell, A., Haslam, S.M., Tissot, B., Canis, K., Azadi, P., Backstrom, M., Costello, C.E., Hansson, G.C., Hiki, Y., Ishihara, M., Ito, H., Kakehi, K., Karlsson, N., Hayes, C.E., Kato, K., Kawasaki, N., Khoo, K.-H., Kobayashi, K., Kolarich, D., Kondo, A., Lebrilla, C., Nakano, M., Narimatsu, H., Novak, J., Novotny, M.V., Ohno, E., Packer, N.H., Palaima, E., Renfrow, M.B., Tajiri, M., Thomsson, K.A., Yagi, H., Yu, S.-Y. and Taniguchi, N.
Comparison of methods for profiling O-glycosylation: Human Proteome Organization Human Disease Glycomics/Proteome Initiative multi-institutional study of IgA1
Mol. Cell Proteomics 9, 719-727 (2010)

Sato, S., Morohara, O., Fujita, D., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Fujita, M.
Parallel-stacked aromatic hosts for orienting small molecules in a magnetic field: Induced residual dipolar coupling by encapsulation
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 3670-3671 (2010)

Yamaguchi, Y., Hanashima, S., Yagi, H., Takahashi, Y., Sasakawa, H., Kurimoto, E., Iguchi, T., Kon, S., Uede, T. and Kato K.
NMR characterization of intramolecular interaction of osteopontin, an intrinsically disordered protein with cryptic integrin-binding motifs
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Takemae, N., Ruttanapumma, R., Parchariyanon, S., Yoneyama, S., Hayashi, T., Hiramatsu, H., Sriwilijaroen, N., Uchida, Y., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Suzuki, Y. and Saito, T.
Alteration in receptor binding properties of swine influenza viruses of H1 subtype after isolation in embryonated chicken egg
J. Gen. Virol. 91, 938-948 (2010)

Nishio, M., Kamiya, Y., Mizushima, T., Wakatsuki, S., Sasakawa, H., Yamamoto, K., Uchiyama, S., Noda, M., McKay, A.R., Fukui, K., Hauri, H.-P. and Kato, K.
Structural basis for the cooperative interplay between the two causative gene products of combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 4034-4039 (2010)

Dojima, T., Nishina, T., Kato, T., Uno, T., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Ueda, H. and Park, E.Y.
Improved secretion of molecular chaperone-assisted human IgG in silkworm, and no alterations in their N-linked glycan structures
Biotechnology Progress 26, 232-238 (2010)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kameda, T., Yamaguchi, Y. and Kato, K.
NMR characterization of the interactions between lyso-GM1 aqueous micelles and amyloid β
FEBS Lett. 584, 831-836 (2010)

Serve, O., Kamiya, Y., Maeno, A., Nakano, M., Murakami, C., Sasakawa, H., Yamaguchi, Y., Harada, T., Kurimoto, E., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Iguchi, T., Inaba, K., Kikuchi, J., Asami, O., Kajino, T., Oka, T., Nakasako, M. and Kato, K.
Redox-dependent domain rearrangement of protein disulfide isomerase coupled with exposure of its substrate-binding hydrophobic surface
J. Mol. Biol. 396, 361-374 (2010)

Yagi, H., Yamamoto, M., Yu, S.-Y., Takahashi, N., Khoo, K.-H., Lee, Y.C. and Kato, K.
N-Glycosylation profiling of turtle egg yolk: Expression of galabiose structure
Carbohyd. Res. 345, 442-448 (2010)

Yamaguchi, Y., Masuda, M., Sasakawa, H., Nonaka, T., Hanashima, S., Hasegawa, S.-I., Kato, K. and Hasegawa, M.
Characterization of inhibitor-bound α-synuclein dimer: Role of α-synuclein N-terminal region in dimerization and inhibitor binding
J. Mol. Biol. 395, 445-456 (2010)

Sakata, E., Satoh, T., Yamamoto, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kurimoto, E., Tanaka, K., Wakatsuki, S. and Kato, K.
Crystal structure of UbcH5b~ubiquitin intermediate: Insight into the formation of the self-assembled E2~Ub conjugates
Structure 18, 138-147 (2010)

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Sugiyama, M., Kurimoto, E., Morimoto, Y., Sahashi, H., Sakata, E., Hamada, K., Itoh, K., Mori, K., Fukunaga, T., Minami, Y. and Kato, K.
Assembly state of proteasome activator 28 in an aqueous solution as studied by small-angle neutron scattering
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78, 124802 (2009)

Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Sasakawa, H., Yamamoto, N., Yanagisawa, K. and Kato, K.
Up-and-down topological mode of amyloid β-peptide lying on hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface of ganglioside clusters.
Glycoconjugate J. 26, 999-1006 (2009)

Dan, H., Kamiya, Y., Totani, K., Kamiya, D., Kawasaki, N., Yamaguchi, D., Matsuo, I., Matsumoto, N., Ito, Y., Kato, K. and Yamamoto, K.
Sugar-binding activity of the MRH domain in ER α-glucosidase II β subunit is important for efficient glucose trimming
Glycobiology 19, 1127-1135 (2009)

Kohno, T., Nakano, Y., Kitoh, N., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Baba, A. and Hattori, M.
C-terminal region-dependent change of antibody-binding to the Eighth Reelin repeat reflects the signaling activity of Reelin
J. Neurosci. Res. 87, 3043-3053 (2009)

Sasaki, K., Kajikawa, M., Kuroki, K., Motohashi, T., Shimojima, T., Park, E.Y., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Maenaka, K.
Silkworm expression and sugar profiling of human immune cell surface receptor, KIR2DL1
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 387, 575-580 (2009)

Thongratsakul, S., Songserm, T., Poolkhet, C., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Hiramatsu, H., Tashiro, M., Okada, H., Kato, K. and Suzuki, Y.
Determination of N-linked sialyl-sugar chains in the lungs of domestic cats and dogs in Thailand susceptible to the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1)
Open Glycoscience 2, 28-36 (2009)

Dojima, T., Nishina, T., Kato, T., Uno, T., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Park, E.Y.
Comparison of the N-linked glycosylation of human β-1,3N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 expressed in insect cells and silkworm larvae
J. Biotechnol. 143, 27-33 (2009)

Ogata, M., Nakajima, M., Kato, T., Obara, T., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Usui, T. and Park, E.Y.
Synthesis of sialoglycopolypeptide for potentially blocking influenza virus infection using a rat α2,6-sialyltransferase expressed in BmNPV bacmid-injected silkworm larvae
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Hosokawa, N., Kamiya, Y., Kamiya, D., Kato, K. and Nagata, K.
Human OS-9, a lectin required for glycoprotein endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation, recognizes mannose-trimmed N-glycans
J. Biol. Chem. 284, 17061-17068 (2009)

Sriwilaijaroen, N., Kondo, S., Yagi, H., Wilairat, P., Hiramatsu, H., Ito, M., Ito, Y., Kato, K. and Suzuki, Y.
Analysis of N-glycans in embryonated chicken egg chorioallantoic and amniotic cells responsible for binding and adaptation of human and avian influenza viruses.
Glycoconjugate J. 26, 433-443 (2009)

Yamaguchi, Y., Wälchli, M., Nagano, M. and Kato, K.
A 13C-detection NMR approach for large glycoproteins
Carbohyd. Res. 344, 535-538 (2009)

Masuda, M., Hasegawa, M., Nonaka, T., Oikawa, T., Yonetani, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K., Hasegawa, S.-I. and Goedert, M.
Inhibition of α-synuclein fibril assembly by small molecules: Analysis using epitope-specific antibodies
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Sugiyama, M., Hamada, K., Kato, K., Kurimoto, E., Okamoto, K., Morimoto, Y., Ikeda, S., Naito, S., Furusaka, M., Itoh, K., Mori, K. and Fukunaga, T.
SANS simulation of aggregated protein in aqueous solution
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Shibata-Koyama, M., Iida, S., Okazaki, A., Mori, K., Kitajima-Miyama, K., Saitou, S., Kakita, S., Kanda, Y., Shitara, K., Kato, K. and Satoh, M.
The N-linked oligosaccharide at FcγRIIIa Asn-45: an inhibitory element for high FcγRIIIa binding affinity to IgG glycoforms lacking core fucosylation.
Glycobiology 19, 126-134 (2009)

Park, E.Y., Ishikiriyama, M., Nishina, T., Kato, T., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Ueda, H.
Human IgG1 expression in silkworm larval hemolymph using BmNPV bacmids and its N-Linked glycan structure.
J. Biotechnol. 139, 108-114 (2009)

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Quan, E.M., Kamiya, Y., Kamiya, D., Denic, V., Weibezahn, J., Kato, K. and Weissman, J.S.
Defining the glycan destruction signal for endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation.
Mol. Cell 32, 870-877 (2008)

Takeda, M., Sugimori, N., Torizawa, T., Terauchi, T., Ono, A.M., Yagi, H., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K., Ikeya, T., Jee, J.G., Güntert, P., Aceti, D.J., Markley, J.L. and Kainosho, M.
Structure of the putative 32 kDa myrosinase-binding protein from Arabidopsis (At3g16450.1) determined by SAIL-NMR.
FEBS J. 275, 5873-5884 (2008)

Hirano, Y., Kaneko, T., Okamoto, K., Bai, M., Yashiroda, H., Furuyama, K., Kato, K., Tanaka, K. and Murata, S.
Dissecting β-ring assembly pathway of the mammalian 20S proteasome.
EMBO J. 27, 2204-2213 (2008)

Miyakawa, S., Nomura, Y., Sakamoto, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K., Yamazaki, S. and Nakamura, Y.
Structural and molecular basis for hyperspecificity of RNA aptamer to human immunoglobulin G.
RNA 14, 1154-1163 (2008)

Yagi, H., Yamada, K., Ohno, E., Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Kurimoto, E., Takahashi, N., Oka, S., Kawasaki, T. and Kato, K.
Development and application of high performance liquid chromatography map of glucuronyl N-glycans.
Open Glycoscience 1, 8-18 (2008)

Yagi, H., Yasukawa, N., Yu, S.-Y., Guo, C.-T., Takahashi, N., Takahashi, T., Bukawa, W., Suzuki, T., Khoo, K.-H., Suzuki, Y. and Kato, K.
The expression of sialylated high-antennary N-glycans in edible bird’s nest.
Carbohyd. Res. 343, 1373-1377 (2008)

Yashiroda, H., Mizushima, T., Okamoto, K., Kameyama, T., Hayashi, H., Kishimoto, T., Niwa, S., Kasahara, M., Kurimoto, E., Sakata, E., Takagi, K., Suzuki, A., Hirano, Y., Murata, S., Kato, K., Yamane, T. and Tanaka K.
Crystal structure of a chaperone complex that contributes to the assembly of yeast 20S proteasomes.
Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 15, 228-236 (2008)

Iwanami, N., Iwase, H., Takahashi, N., Kato, K., Itoh, A., Takatani, T., Makita, S., Kobayashi, Y., Okamoto, M., Nakamura, S., Hiki, Y. and Ishii, M.
Similarities between N-glycan glycoform of tonsillar IgA1 and that of aberrant IgA1 abundant in IgA nephropathy patient serum.
J. Nephrol. 21, 118-126 (2008)

Kurimoto, E., Nishi, Y., Yamaguchi, Y., Zako, T., Iizuka, R., Ide, N., Yohda, M. and Kato, K.
Dynamics of group II chaperonin and prefoldin probed by 13C NMR spectroscopy.
Proteins: Struct. Funct. Bioinfo. 70, 1257-1263 (2008)

Nyfeler, B., Kamiya, Y., Boehlen, F., Yamamoto, K., Kato, K., Moerloose, P. de, Hauri, H. -P. and Neerman-Arbez, M.
Deletion of three residues from the C-terminus of MCFD2 affects binding to ERGIC-53 and causes combined factor V and VIII deficiency.
Blood 111, 1299-1301 (2008)

Yagi, H., Nakagawa, M., Takahashi, N., Kondo, S., Matsubara, M. and Kato, K.
Neural complex-specific expression of xylosyl N-glycan in Ciona intestinalis.
Glycobiology 18, 145-151 (2008)

Kamiya, Y., Kamiya, D., Yamamoto, K., Nyfeler, B., Hauri, H. -P. and Kato, K.
Molecular basis of sugar recognition by the human L-type lectins ERGIC-53, VIPL and VIP36.
J. Biol. Chem. 283, 1857-1861 (2008)

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Kurimoto, E., Suzuki, M., Amemiya, E., Yamaguchi, Y., Nirasawa, S., Shimba, N., Xu, N., Kashiwagi, T., Kawai, M., Suzuki, E. and Kato, K.
Curculin exhibits sweet-tasting and taste-modifying activities through its distinct molecular surfaces.
J. Biol. Chem. 282, 33252-33256 (2007)

Sasakawa, H., Sakata, E., Yamaguchi, Y., Masuda, M., Mori, T., Kurimoto, E., Iguchi, T., Hisanaga, S., Iwatsubo, T., Hasegawa, M. and Kato, K.
Ultra-high field NMR studies of antibody binding and site-specific phosphorylation of α-synuclein.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 363, 795-799 (2007)

Yamaguchi, Y., Hirao, T., Sakata, E., Kamiya, Y., Kurimoto, E., Yoshida, Y., Suzuki, T., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Fbs1 protects the malfolded glycoproteins from the attack of peptide:N-glycanase.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 362, 712-716 (2007)

Jing, Q., Sandoval, C., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Ding, K.-L.
Solution structure and behavior of bensophenone-based achiral bisphosphine ligands in Noyori-type Ru(II)-catalysts.
Chinese J. Chem. 25, 1163-1170 (2007)

Oita, T., Yagi, H., Yamashiro, A., Sakizono, K., Nagai, K., Kasakura, S., Kato, K. and Takahashi, N.
Two-year investigation of glycosylation profiles in serum IgG from a patient with multiple myeloma.
Rinsho Byori 55, 626-629 (2007)

Hirano, M., Davis, R.S., Fine, W.D., Nakamura, S., Shimizu, K., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Stephan, R.P. and Cooper, M.D.
IgEb immune complexes activate macrophages through FcgRIV binding.
Nature Immunol. 8, 762-771 (2007)

Guo, C.-T., Takahashi, N., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Takahashi, T., Yi, S.-Q., Chen, Y., Ito, T., Otsuki, K., Kida, H., Kawaoka, Y., Hidari, K.I.-P.J., Miyamoto, D., Suzuki, T. and Suzuki, Y.
The quail and chicken intestine have sialyl-galactose sugar chains responsible for the binding of influenza A viruses to human type receptors.
Glycobiology 17, 713-724 (2007)

Matsumiya, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Saito, J., Nagano, M., Sasakawa, H., Otaki, S., Satoh, M., Shitara, K. and Kato, K.
Structural comparison of fucosylated and non-fucosylated Fc fragments of human immunoglobulin G1
J. Mol. Biol. 368, 767-779 (2007)

Wada, Y., Azadi, P., Costello, C.E., Dell, A., Dwek, R.A., Geyer, H., Geyer, R., Kakehi, K., Karlsson, N.G., Kato, K., Kawasaki, N., Khoo, K.-H., Kim, S., Kondo, A., Lattova, E., Mechref, Y., Miyoshi, E., Nakamura, K., Nakamura, K., Narimatsu, H., Novotny, M.V., Packer, N.H., Perreault, H., Peter-Katalinic, J., Pohlentz, G., Reinhold, V.N., Rudd, P.M., Suzuki, A. and Taniguchi, N.
Comparison of the methods for profiling glycoprotein glycans: HUPO HGPI (Human Proteome Organisation Human Disease Glycomics/Proteome Initiative) multi-institutional study.
Glycobiology 17, 411-422 (2007)

Sakata, E., Yamaguchi, Y., Miyauchi, Y., Iwai, K., Chiba, T., Saeki, Y., Matsuda, N., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Direct interactions between NEDD8 and ubiquitin E2 conjugating enzymes upregulate cullin-based E3 ligase activity.
Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 14, 167-168 (2007)

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Yoon, S.-J., Nakayama, K., Takahashi, N., Yagi, H., Utkina, N., Wang, H.Y., Kato, K., Sadilek, M. and Hakomori, S.
Interaction of N-linked glycans, having multivalent GlcNAc termini, with GM3 ganglioside.
Glycoconj. J. 23, 639-649 (2006)

Nakano, M., Murakami, C., Yamaguchi, Y., Sasakawa, H., Harada, T., Kurimoto, E., Asami, O., Kajino, T. and Kato, K.
Letters to the editor: NMR assignments of the b’ and a’ domains of thermophilic fungal protein disulfide isomerase.
J. Biomol. NMR 36, 44 (2006)

Liu, Y., Sandoval, C.A., Yamaguchi, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Kato, K. and Ding, K.
Hydrogen bonding makes a difference in the rhodium-catalyzed enantioselective hydrogenation using monodentate phosphoramidates.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 14212-14213 (2006)
Shiroishi, M., Kuroki, K., Rasubala, L., Tsumoto, K., Kumagai, I., Kurimoto, E., Kato, K., Kohda, D. and Maenaka, K.
Structural basis for recognition of the non-classical MHC molecule HLA-G by the leukocyte Ig-like receptor B2 (LILRB2/LIR2/ILT4/CD85d).
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 16412-16417 (2006)

Nishida, N., Motojima, F., Idota, M., Fujikawa, H., Yoshida, M., Shimada, I. and Kato, K.
Probing dynamics and conformational change of the GroEL-GroES complex by 13C NMR spectroscopy.
J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 140, 591-598 (2006)

Kitahara, R., Yamaguchi, Y., Sakata, E., Kasuya, T., Tanaka, K., Kato, K., Yokoyama, S. and Akasaka, K.
Evolutionally conserved intermediates between ubiquitin and NEDD8.
J. Mol. Biol. 363, 395-404 (2006)

Morioka, H., Kurihara, M., Kobayashi, H., Satou, K., Komatsu, Y., Uchida, M., Ohtsuka, E., Torizawa, T., Kato, K., Shimada, I., Matsunaga, T. and Nikaido, O.
DNA-binding properties of the antibody specific for the Dewar photoproduct thymidylyl-(3′-5′)-thymidine.
Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 25, 667-679 (2006)

Guo, C.-T., Takahashi, T., Bukawa, W., Takahashi, N., Yagi, H., Kato, K., Hidari, K.I.-P.J., Miyamoto, D., Suzuki, T. and Suzuki, Y.
Edible birds’s nest extract inhibits influenza virus infection.
Antiviral. Res. 70, 140-146 (2006)

Talabnin, K., Yagi, H., Takahashi, N., Suzuki, T., Kato, K., Uemura, H., Saichua, P., Kaewkes, S., Wongkham, S., Suzuki, Y. and Sripa, B.
Glycobiological study of adult Opisthorchis viverrini: Characterization of N-linked oligosaccharides.
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 147, 230-233 (2006)

Yamaguchi, Y., Nishimura, M., Nagano, M., Yagi, H., Sasakawa, H., Uchida, K., Shitara, K. and Kato, K.
Glycoform-dependent conformational alteration of the Fc region of human immunoglobulin G1 as revealed by NMR spectroscopy.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta – General Subjects 1760, 693-700 (2006)

Holland, M., Yagi, H., Takahashi, N., Kato, K., Savage, C.O.S., Goodall, D.M. and Jefferis, R.
Differential glycosylation of polyclonal IgG, IgG-Fc and IgG-Fab isolated from the sera of patients with ANCA- associated systemic vasculitis.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta – General Subjects 1760, 669-677 (2006)

Tashiro, S., Tominaga, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Fujita, M.
Peptide recognition: Encapsulation and α-helical folding of a nine-residue peptide within a hydrophobic dimeric capsule of a bowl-shaped host.
Chem. Euro. J. 12, 3211-3217 (2006)

Sasakawa, H., Sakata, E., Yamaguchi, Y., Komatsu, M., Tatsumi, K., Kominami, E., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Solution structure and dynamics of Ufm1, a ubiquitin-fold modifier 1.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 343, 21-26 (2006)

Sato, S., Chiba, T., Sakata, E., Kato, K., Mizuno, Y., Hattori, N. and Tanaka, K.
14-3-3η is a novel regulator of parkin ubiquitin-ligase.
EMBO J. 25, 211-221 (2006)

Tashiro, S., Tominaga, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Fujita, M.
Folding a de novo designed peptide into an α-helix through hydrophobic binding by a bowl-shaped host.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 45, 241-244 (2006)

Sandoval, C.A., Yamaguchi, Y., Ohkuma, T., Kato, K. and Noyori, R.
Solution structures and behavior of trans-RuH(η1-BH4)(binap)(1,2-diamine)complexes.
Magn. Reson. Chem. 44, 66-75 (2006)

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Sekiya, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Tanaka, K.
Mechanistic elucidation of the formation of reduced 2-aminopyridine-derivatized oligosaccharides and their application in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry.
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 19, 3607-3611 (2005)

Akutsu, M., Kawasaki, M., Katoh, Y., Shiba, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, R., Kato, K., Nakayama, K. and Wakatsuki, S.
Structural basis for recognition of ubiquitinated cargo by Tom1-GAT domain.
FEBS Lett. 579, 5385-5391 (2005)

Kamiya, Y., Yamaguchi, Y., Takahashi, N., Arata, Y., Kasai, K., Ihara, Y., Matsuo, I., Ito, Y., Yamamoto, K. and Kato, K.
Sugar-binding properties of VIP36, an intracellular animal lectin operating as a cargo receptor.
J. Biol. Chem. 280, 37178-37182 (2005)

Inada,T., Terabayashi, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Kikuchi, K.
Modulation of the catalytic mechanism of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) by photochromism of azobenzene.
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A 175, 100-107 (2005)

Yagi, H., Takahashi, N., Yamaguchi, Y., Kimura, N., Uchimura, K., Kannagi, R. and Kato, K.
Development of structural analysis of sulfated N-glycans by multi-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography mapping methods.
Glycobiology 15, 1051-1060 (2005)

Nakasako, M., Oka, T., Mashumo, M., Takahashi, H., Shimada, I., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Arata, Y.
Conformational dynamics of complementarity-determining region H3 of an anti-dansyl Fv fragment in the presence of its hapten.
J. Mol. Biol. 351, 627-640 (2005)

Kawasaki, M., Shiba, T., Shiba, Y., Yamaguchi, Y., Matsugaki, N., Igarashi, N., Suzuki, M., Kato, R., Kato, K., Nakayama, K. and Wakatsuki S.
Molecular mechanism of ubiquitin recognition by GGA3 GAT domain.
Genes Cells 10, 639-654 (2005)

Kimura, T., Imaishi, K., Hagiwara, Y., Horibe, T., Hayano, T., Takahashi, N., Urade, R., Kato, K. and Kikuch, M.
ERp57 binds competitively protein disulfide isomerase and calreticulin.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 331, 224-230 (2005)

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Kato, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Takahashi, N., Nishimura, M., Iwamoto, S., Sekiya, S. and Tanaka, K.
Discrimination of isomeric fragment ions observed in tandem mass spectra of biantennary oligosaccharides by use of selective isotope labeling.
J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Japan 52, 284-288 (2004)

Yagi, H., Takahashi, N., Yamaguchi, Y. and Kato, K.
Temperature-dependent isologous Fab-Fab interaction that mediates cryocrystallization of a monoclonal immunoglobulin G.
Mol. Immunol. 41, 1211-1215 (2004)

Horibe, T., Matsui, H., Tanaka, M., Nagai, H., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K. and Kikuchi, M.
Gentamicin binds to the lectin site of calreticulin and inhibits its chaperone activity.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 323, 281-287 (2004)

Suzuki, M., Kurimoto, E., Nirasawa, S., Masuda, Y., Hori, K., Kurihara, Y., Shimba, N., Kawai, M., Suzuki, E. and Kato, K.
Recombinant curculin heterodimer exhibits taste-modifying and sweet-tasting activities.
FEBS Lett. 573, 135-138 (2004)

Mizushima, T., Hirao, T., Yoshida, Y., Lee, S.J., Chiba, T., Iwai, K ., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K., Tsukihara, T. and Tanaka, K.
Structural basis of sugar-recognizing ubiquitin ligase.
Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 11, 365-370 (2004)

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Nagaya, M., Kobayashi, J., Takahashi, N., Kato, K. and Yoshimura, T.
Two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography mapping of sugar chains demonstrated the biantennary, complex N-glycan addition to the recombinant glycoprotein produced by baculovirus-infected Antheraea pernyi insect cells.
J. Insect Biotech. Sericol. 72, 79-86 (2003)

Takahashi, N., Masuda, K., Hiraki, K., Yoshihara, K., Huang, H.H., Khoo, K.H. and Kato, K.
N-Glycan structures of squid rhodopsin.
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 2627-2632 (2003)

Matsuo, I., Wada, M., Manabe, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Otake, K., Kato, K. and Ito, Y.
Synthesis of monoglucosylated high-mannose-type dodecasaccharide, a putative ligand for molecular chaperone, calnexin, and calreticulin.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 3402-3403 (2003)

Sakata, E., Yamaguchi, Y., Kurimoto, E., Kikuchi, J., Yokoyama, S., Yamada, S., Kawahara, H., Yokosawa, H., Hattori, N., Mizuno, Y., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Parkin binds the Rpn10 subunit of 26S proteasomes through its ubiquitin-like domain.
EMBO Rep. 4, 301-306 (2003)


Lazoura, E., Campbell, W., Yamaguchi, Y., Kato, K., Okada, N. and Okada, H.
Rational structure-based design of a novel carboxypeptidase R inhibitor.
Chem. Biol. 9, 1129-1139 (2002)

Takahashi, N., Cohen-Solal, J., Galinha, A., Fridman, W.H., Sautes-Fridman, C. and Kato, K.
N-glycosylation profile of recombinant human soluble Fcgamma receptor III.
Glycobiology 12, 507-515 (2002)

Holland, M., Takada, K., Okumoto, T., Takahashi, N., Kato, K., Adu, D., Ben-Smith, A., Harper, L., Savage, C.O. and Jefferis, R.
Hypogalactosylation of serum IgG in patients with ANCA-associated systemic vasculitis.
Clin. Exp. Immunol. 129, 183-190 (2002)

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Harada, T., Kurimoto, E., Moriyama, Y., Ejima, D., Sakai, T., Nohara, D. and Kato, K.
Application of combined reagent solution to the oxidative refolding of recombinant human interleukin 6.
Chem. Pharm. Bull (Tokyo) 49, 1128-1131 (2001)

Kurimoto, E., Harada, T., Akiyama, A., Sakai, T. and Kato, K.
In vitro refolding of porcine pepsin immobilized on agarose beads.
J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 130, 295-297 (2001)

Harada, T., Kurimoto, E., Tokuhiro, K., Asami, O., Sakai, T., Nohara, D. and Kato, K.
Disulfide bond formation in refolding of thermophilic fungal protein disulfide isomerase.
J. Biosci. Bioeng. 91, 596-598 (2001)

Yamaguchi, Y., Takizawa, T., Kato, K., Arata, Y. and Shimada, I.
1H and 13C NMR assignments for the glycans in glycoproteins by using 2H/13C-labeled glucose as a metabolic precursor.
J. Biomol. NMR 18, 357-360 (2000)

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H.Yagi, K.Takagi, and K.Kato
Exploring domain architectures of human glycosyltransferases: Highlighting the functional diversity of non-catalytic add-on domains
Biochim. Biophys. Acta –General Subjects, 1868, 130687 (2024)

D. Koga, S.Kusumi, H.Yagi, and K.Kato
Three-dimensional analysis of the intracellular architecture by scanning electron microscopy
Microscopy, 73, 215-225 (2024)

矢木宏和, 加藤晃一
細胞, 56, 260-262 (2024)


伊藤 暁, 奥村久士, 矢木真穂, 加藤晃一
細胞, 55, 784-788 (2023)

山口拓実, 谷中冴子, 加藤晃一
タンパク質の構造解析手法とIn silicoスクリーニングへの応用事例, 技術情報協会, pp.237-245(2023)

谷中冴子, 加藤晃一
生物工学会誌, 101, 347-349 (2023)

K.Kato and H.Yagi
Current status and challenges in structural glycobiology
Trends in Carbohydrate Research, 15, 38-46 (2023)

Yazdanpanah, N., Dochy, F., L.Darmstadt, G., Peters, G.J., Tsitlakidis, A., Aifantis, E.C., Cerda, A., Comini, E., Brand, S., Gupta, M., Cheson, B.D., Thomas, S., Tanzer, M., Weiskirchen, R., Bella, F., Fereshtehnejad, S.-M., Nikita, K., Ali, I., Kato, K., Poggi, A., Jon, E.C.K., Rao, I.M., Tao, X., He, J.-H., Rao, L.J.M., Leemans, A., Pomponio, A., Hernandez, A.M., Ahmadieh, H., Sahraian, M.A., Kelishadi, R., Thongboonkerd, V., Bahinipati, S., Toi, M., von Herrath, M., Sellke, F., Sherwood, S., Perry, G., Nieto, J.J., Gupta, S., Dorigo, T., Mobasher, B., Ochs, H.D. and Rezaei, N.
Cancer: A complex problem requiring interdisciplinary research
Interdisciplinary Cancer Research. (Nima Rezaei ed.), Springer (Cham), in press (2023)


H.Yagi and K.Kato
Multidimensional high-performance liquid chromatography-mapping method for N-linked glycan analysis
Glycoscience Protocols (GlycoPODv2) (S.Nishihara, K.Angata, K.F.Aoki-Kinoshita, J.Hirabayashi et al. ed.), Japan Consortium for Glycobiology and Glycotechnology (Saitama) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK593948/ (2022)

矢木真穂, 加藤晃一
生化学, 94, 888-891 (2022)

柚木康弘, 松本 淳, 守島 健, Anne Martel, Lionel Porcar, 佐藤信浩, 與語理那, 富永大輝, 矢木真穂, 井上倫太郎, 河野秀俊, 矢木宏和, 加藤晃一, 杉山正明
日本中性子科学会誌「波紋」, 40, 158-164 (2022)

加藤晃一, 谷中冴子
実験医学, 40, 3253-3258 (2022)

Yamaguchi, Y., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Structural analysis of oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates using NMR
Advances in Neurobiology (C.-L.Schengrund and R.K.Yu ed.), Springer (Cham), 29, pp.163-184 (2022)

Kato, K., Yagi, H. and Yanaka, S.
Four-dimensional structures and molecular designs of glycans
Trends Glycosci. Glycotech. 34, E85-E90 (2022)

矢木真穂, 加藤晃一
クマムシの乾燥耐性の仕組み ~水分消失に伴うタンパク質の繊維化~
生物物理, 62, 232-234 (2022)

Yagi-Utsumi, M. and Kato, K.
Conformational variability of amyloid-β and the morphological diversity of its aggregates
Molecules 27, 4787 (2022)

Kuwajima, K., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yanaka, S. and Kato, K.
DMSO-quenched H/D-exchange 2D NMR spectroscopy and its applications in protein science
Molecules 27, 3748 (2022)

Cummings, R.D., Etzler, M.E., Ramya, T.N.C., Kato, K., Rabinovich, G.A. and Surolia, A.
L-type lectins
Essential Glycobiology, 4th edition (A.Varki , R.D.Cummings , J.D. Esko, P.Stanley, G.W. Hart, M.Aebi, D.Mohnen, T.Kinoshita, N.H.Packer, J.H.Prestegard, R.L. Schnaar, P.H.Seeberger ed.), Cold Spring Harbor (New York), Chapter 32 (2022)

Kato, K., Yamaguchi, T. and Yagi-Utsumi, M.
Experimental and computational characterization of dynamic biomolecular interaction systems involving glycolipid glycans
Glycoconjugate J. 39, 219-228 (2022)

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バイオサイエンスとバイオインダストリー, 79, 472-476 (2021)

Yagi, H., Yanaka, S. and Kato, K.
Structural and functional roles of the N-glycans in therapeutic antibodies
Comprehensive Glycoscience, 2nd edition (J. Barchi ed.), Elsevier (Oxford), vol.5, pp.534-542 (2021)

矢木真穂, 加藤晃一
膜, 46, 2-6 (2021)

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谷中冴子, 加藤晃一
化学, 75, 30-71 (2020)

医薬品/化粧品/食品分野におけるHPLC・GC分析テクニック, 技術情報協会, pp.310-319(2020)

Yanaka, S., Yogo, R. and Kato, K.
Biophysical characterization of dynamic structures of immunoglobulin G
Biophys. Rev., 12, 637–645 (2020)

Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
Recombinant expression and purification of animal intracellular L-type lectins
Lectin Purification and Analysis (J.Hirabayashi ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press (New York), vol. 2132, pp. 411-417 (2020)

矢木宏和, 加藤晃一
免疫と糖鎖 (Ⅲ) -獲得免疫-
糖鎖生物学(北島 健, 佐藤ちひろ, 門松健治, 加藤晃一編), 名古屋大学出版会, pp.223-236(2020)

加藤晃一, 山口拓実
糖鎖生物学(北島 健, 佐藤ちひろ, 門松健治, 加藤晃一編), 名古屋大学出版会, pp.109-110(2020)

佐藤匡史, 加藤晃一
糖鎖生物学(北島 健, 佐藤ちひろ, 門松健治, 加藤晃一編), 名古屋大学出版会, pp.83-95(2020)

加藤晃一, 與語理那
抗体に秘められた結合部位の発見 – 免疫分子の働く姿をリアルタイムで観測!
academist Journal, https://academist-cf.com/journal/?p=12589 (2020)

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医薬品開発における創薬スクリーニング関連技術開発, 情報機構, pp.41-56(2019)

Sato, C., Kato, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Kohda, D., Kato, R., Suzuki, K.G.N., Kikuchi, K., Hirai, G., Kizuka, Y., Tanaka, K., Nakashima, Y. and Setou, M.
Structural Biology of Glycans
Glycoscience: Basic Science to Applications (N.Taniguchi, T.Endo, J.Hirabayashi, S.Nishihara, K.Kadomatsu, Kazunari Akiyoshi, and K.F.Aoki-Kinoshita ed.) Springer, Singapore, 35-63 (2019)

医学のあゆみ, 269, 761-767(2019)

糖鎖分析(日本分析化学会編), 丸善出版, pp.209-214(2019)

糖鎖分析(日本分析化学会編), 丸善出版, pp.246-252(2019)

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日本結晶成長学会誌, 45, 45-4-04 (2018)

医学のあゆみ, 276, 949-953(2018)

加藤晃一, 谷中冴子, 矢木宏和
薬学雑誌, 138, 1495-1502 (2018)

Yagi,H., Yanaka,S. and Kato,K.
Structure and dynamics of immunoglobulin G glycoproteins
Glycobiophysics (Y.Yamaguchi and K.Kato ed.) Springer Nature Singapore, 219-235 (2018)

Satoh,T. and Kato,K.
Structural aspects of ER glycoprotein quality-control system mediated by glucose tagging
Glycobiophysics (Y.Yamaguchi and K.Kato ed.) Springer Nature Singapore, 149-169 (2018)

加藤晃一, 谷中冴子
SAR News, 35, 1-7 (2018)

Kato, K., Yagi, H. and Yamaguchi, T.
NMR characterization of the dynamic conformations of oligosaccharides
Modern Magnetic Resonance, 2nd Edition (G.A.Webb ed.) Springer International Publishing, 737-754 (2018)

Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Molecular Dynamics of Gangliosides
Gangliosides (S.Sonnino and A.Prinetti ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press (New York), vol.1804, pp.411-417 (2018)

未来を創るグライコサイエンス −我が国のロードマップ−(日本糖鎖科学コンソーシアム(JCGG)編), pp.172-174(2018)

矢木宏和, 加藤晃一
生化学, 90, 198-202 (2018)

山口拓実, 渡邉東紀男, 矢木宏和, 加藤晃一
J. Comput. Chem. Jpn., 17, 1-7 (2018)

Kato, K. and Satoh, T.
Structural insights on the dynamics of proteasome formation
Biophys. Rev., 10, 597-604 (2018)

Kato, K., Yanaka, S. and Yagi, H.
Technical basis for nuclear magnetic resonance approach for glycoproteins
Experimental Approaches of NMR Spectroscopy (The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Society of Japan ed.) Springer Nature Singapore, pp.415-438 (2018)

Matsuzaki, K., Kato, K. and Yanagisawa, K.
Ganglioside-mediated assembly of amyloid β-protein: Roles in Alzheimer’s disease
Prog. Mol. Biol. Transl. Sci., 156, 413-434 (2018)

Ikeya, T., Ban, D., Lee, D., Ito, Y., Kato, K. and Griesinger, C.
Solution NMR views of dynamical ordering of biomacromolecules
Biochim. Biophys. Acta –General Subjects, 1862, 287-306 (2018)

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Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
Functional roles of glycoconjugates in the maintenance of stemness and differentiation process of neural stem cells
Glycoconjugate J. 34, 757-763 (2017)

医学のあゆみ,262, 467-473 (2017)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Uekusa, Y. and Kato, K.
NMR characterization of the conformations, dynamics, and interactions of glycosphingolipids
NMR in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology (K.Kato and T.Peters ed.) RSC Publishing (Cambridge), pp.161-178 (2017)

Yamaguchi, Y., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
Stable isotope labeling of glycoproteins for NMR study
NMR in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology (K.Kato and T.Peters ed.) RSC Publishing (Cambridge), pp.194-207 (2017)

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加藤晃一, 谷中冴子, 矢木-内海真穂
MEDCHEM NEWS, 26, 195-200 (2016)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, T., Kitahara, R. and Kato, K.
NMR explorations of biomolecular systems with rapid conformational exchanges
Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions (M.Terazima, M.Kataoka, R.Ueoka, and Y.Okamoto ed.) Springer (Japan), pp.87-103(2016)

Go to top


Kato, K. and Yamaguchi, T.
Paramagnetic NMR probes for characterization of the dynamic conformations and interactions of oligosaccharides
Glycoconjugate J, 32, 505-513 (2015)

佐藤宗太, 加藤晃一, 藤田 誠
化学, 70, 31-36 (2015)

山口拓実, 加藤晃一
糖鎖の新機能開発・応用ハンドブック~創薬・医療から食品開発まで~(秋吉一成, 津本浩平, 加藤晃一, 鷹羽武史, 深瀬浩一, 古川鋼一編)
エヌ・ティー・エス, pp.265-271 (2015)

矢木宏和, 加藤晃一
糖鎖の新機能開発・応用ハンドブック~創薬・医療から食品開発まで~(秋吉一成, 津本浩平, 加藤晃一, 鷹羽武史, 深瀬浩一, 古川鋼一編)
エヌ・ティー・エス, pp.243-249 (2015)

佐藤匡史, 加藤晃一
糖鎖の新機能開発・応用ハンドブック~創薬・医療から食品開発まで~(秋吉一成, 津本浩平, 加藤晃一, 鷹羽武史, 深瀬浩一, 古川鋼一編)
エヌ・ティー・エス, pp.144-149 (2015)

蜷川 暁, 加藤晃一, 森 和俊
糖鎖依存的構造異常タンパク質分解に必須な糖鎖刈り込み機構を解明 〜革新的ゲノム編集技術によって従来のモデルを一新〜
化学と生物, 53, 571-573 (2015)

山口拓実, 矢木真穂, 加藤晃一
機器センターたより, 7, 75-79 (2015)

加藤晃一, 佐藤匡史
化学工業, 66, 32-37 (2015)

加藤晃一, 稲垣直之
実験医学, 33, 1316-1320 (2015)

Yagi-Utsumi, M. and Kato, K.
Structural and dynamic views of GM1 ganglioside
Glycoconjugate J., 32, 105-112 (2015)

山口拓実, 加藤晃一
生物物理, 55, 81-83 (2015)

Satoh, T., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Emerging structural insights into glycoprotein quality control coupled with N-glycan processing in the endoplasmic reticulum
Molecules, 20, 2475-2491 (2015)

BIOTOVO, 23, 2-3 (2015)

Mandal, G., Yagi, H., Kato, K. and Chatterjee, B. P.
Structural heterogeneity of glycoform of alpha-1 acid glycoprotein in alcoholic cirrhosis patients
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (A.Chakrabarti and A.Surolia ed.) Springer (Switzerland), 842, 389-401 (2015)

Zhang, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Kamiya, Y., Sakae, Y., Okamoto, Y. and Kato, K.
Conformational dynamics of oligosaccharides characterized by paramagnetism-assisted NMR spectroscopy in conjunction with molecular dynamics simulation
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (A.Chakrabarti and A.Surolia ed.) Springer (Switzerland), 842, 217-230 (2015)

Go to top


Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Paramagnetism-assisted nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of dynamic conformations and interactions of oligosaccharides
Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine (N.Taniguchi, T.Endo, G.W.Hart, P.Seeberger, and C.-H.Wong ed.) Springer (Japan), vol.1, 137-145 (2014)

Yamaguchi, Y., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
Structural analysis of oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates using NMR
Advances in Neurobiology (R.K.Yu and C.-L.Schengrund ed.) Springer (New York), 9, pp.165-183 (2014)

ファルマシア, 50, 746-750(2014)

Kamiya, Y., Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
Recent advances in glycoprotein production for structural biology: toward tailored design of glycoforms
Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol., 26, 44-53 (2014)

Go to top


Zhang, Y., Yamaguchi, T. and Kato, K.
New NMR tools for characterizing the dynamic conformations and interactions of oligosaccharides
Chem. Lett., 42, 1455-1462 (2013)

生化学, 85, 1012-1016(2013)

NMR 原理
揺らぎ・ダイナミクスと生体機能,(寺嶋正秀編), 化学同人, 69-79 (2013)

実験医学, 31, 1602-1606(2013)

Go to top


次世代に向けた抗体医薬開発の技術と展望,(熊谷 泉監修), シーエムシー出版, 275-283(2012)

加藤明文,矢木宏和,加藤晃一,飯田 茂,中村和靖
次世代に向けた抗体医薬開発の技術と展望,(熊谷 泉監修), シーエムシー出版, 144-149(2012)

新機能抗体開発ハンドブック,(浜窪 隆雄監修), エヌ・ティー・エス, 65-69(2012)

バイオ/抗体医薬品の開発・製造プロセス, 情報機構, 173-183(2012)

Kamiya, Y., Satoh, T. and Kato, K.
Molecular and structural basis for N-glycan-dependent determination of glycoprotein fates in cells
Biochim. Biophys. Acta – General Subjects, 1820, 1327-1337 (2012)

研究戦略YAKU学―研究現場から臨床へ―No.38 創薬ターゲットとしての糖鎖
薬事日報, 第11133号(8) (2012)

薬学雑誌, 132, 563-573 (2012)

Kato, K. and Yamaguchi, Y.
Glycoproteins and antibodies: Solution NMR studies
Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance, (R.K.Harris and R.E.Wasylishen ed.) John Wiley (Chichester), vol.3, pp.1779-1790 (2012)

Kato, K.
Structural glycomic approaches to molecular recognition events on cell surfaces
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, (P.R.Sudhakaran and A.Surolia ed.) Springer (New York), 749, pp.15-32 (2012)

最新医学, 67, 138-158(2012)

Go to top


バイオ医薬品開発における糖鎖技術,(早川堯夫,掛樋一晃,平林 淳監修), シーエムシー出版, 242-252(2011)

生物薬科学実験講座 第4巻 糖質[Ⅱ] 糖タンパク質実験法(川嵜敏祐編), 廣川書店, 64-76 (2011)

Kamiya, Y., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
Structural and molecular basis of carbohydrate-protein interaction systems as potential therapeutic targets
Curr. Pharm. Des. 17, 1672-1684 (2011)

Nanotech Japan Bulletin, 4,(2011)

Serve, O., Kamiya, Y. and Kato, K.
Redox-dependent chaperoning, following PDI footsteps
Protein Folding (E.C.Walters ed.), NOVA Science Publishers (New York), 489-500 (2011)

分子研レターズ, 63, 4-7 (2011)

Kato, K.
Systematic structural analyses of glycoconjugates: NMR and sugar library approaches
高分子, 60, 116 (2011)

Go to top


PF NEWS, 28, 19-23(2010)

日本結晶学会誌, 52, 255-261 (2010)

加藤晃一, 矢木真穂
Medical Bio 別冊 揺らぎと生体機能 (寺嶋正秀編), オーム社, 32-37 (2010)

Hosokawa, N., Kato, K. and Kamiya, Y.
Mannose 6-phosphate receptor homology domain-containing lectins in mammalian endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation
Methods in Enzymology, 480, 181-197 (2010)

Yamaguchi, Y. and Kato, K.
Dynamics and interactions of glycoconjugates probed by stable-isotope-assisted NMR spectroscopy
Methods in Enzymology, 478, 305-322 (2010)

Matsuzaki, K., Kato, K. and Yanagisawa, K.
Aβ polymerization through interaction with membrane gangliosides
Biochim. Biophys. Acta – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1801, 868-877 (2010)

Kato, K., Yamaguchi, Y. and Arata, Y.
Stable-isotope-assisted NMR approaches to glycoproteins using immunoglobulin G as a model system
Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 56, 346-359 (2010)

Hosokawa, N., Kamiya, Y. and Kato, K.
The role of MRH domain-containing lectins in ERAD
Glycobiology, 20, 651-660 (2010)

神谷由紀子, 加藤晃一
化学工業, 61, 23-31(2010)

<a class=”PageNaiLink” href=”#TOP”>Go to top</a


加藤晃一, 坂田絵理, 矢木宏和
第22章 分子細胞生物学の研究手法の多様性-3 -構造生物学:低温電子顕微鏡法,X線結晶構造解析,NMR分光法‐
医学のための細胞生物学(永田和宏, 塩田浩平編), 南山堂, 261-265(2009)

Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
Multidimensional HPLC mapping method for the structural analysis of anionic N-glycans
Trends Glycosci. Glycotech., 21, 95-104 (2009)

Kamiya, Y., Kamiya, D., Urade, R., Suzuki, T. and Kato, K.
Sophisticated modes of sugar recognition by intracellular lectins involved in quality control of glycoproteins
Glycobiology Research Trends, (G.Powell and O.McCabe ed.) NOVA Science Publishers (New York), 27-40 (2009)

矢木-内海真穂, 加藤晃一
化学と生物, 47, 261-268(2009)

神谷由紀子, 加藤晃一
生物物理, 49, 62-69(2009)

第3の生命鎖 糖鎖の謎が今, 解る(古川鋼一編), クバプロ, 158-167(2009)

Go to top


栗本英治, 岡本健太, 鈴木淳巨, 日影達夫, 山根 隆, 加藤晃一
名古屋大学X線回折研究のあゆみ, 29, 3-6 (2008)

神谷由紀子, 加藤晃一
蛋白質 核酸 酵素, 53, 1662-1669 (2008)

蛋白質 核酸 酵素, 53, 1661(2008)

Kato, K. and Takahashi, N.
GALAXY database and pyridylaminated olgosaccharide library.
Experimental Glycoscience: Glycobiology, (N.Taniguchi, A.Suzuki, Y.Ito, H.Narimatsu, T.Kawasaki, and S.Hase ed.) Springer (Japan), pp.413-416 (2008)

Yamaguchi, Y. and Kato, K.
Analyses of sugar-protein interactions by NMR.
Experimental Glycoscience: Glycochemistry, (N.Taniguchi, A.Suzuki, Y.Ito, H.Narimatsu, T.Kawasaki, and S.Hase ed.) Springer (Japan), pp.121-123 (2008)

Kato, K. and Yamaguchi, Y.
Structural analyses of glycoconjugates by NMR.
Experimental Glycoscience: Glycochemistry, (N.Taniguchi, A.Suzuki, Y.Ito, H.Narimatsu, T.Kawasaki, and S.Hase ed.) Springer (Japan), pp.45-50 (2008)

Takahashi, N., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
Release of N-glycans by enzymatic methods.
Experimental Glycoscience: Glycochemistry, (N.Taniguchi, A.Suzuki, Y.Ito, H.Narimatsu, T.Kawasaki, and S.Hase ed.) Springer (Japan), pp.7-11 (2008)

栗本英治, 雨宮瑛子, 加藤晃一
Foods & Food Ingredients J. Jpn., 213, 645-652 (2008)

Kato, K., Sasakawa, H., Kamiya, Y., Utsumi, M., Nakano, M., Takahashi, N. and Yamaguchi, Y.
920 MHz ultra-high field NMR approaches to structural glycobiology.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta.-General Subjects, 1780, 619-625 (2008)

坂田絵理, 加藤晃一
実験医学, 26, 207-213 (2008)

Go to top


Kato, K. and Kamiya, Y.
Structural views of glycoprotein-fate determination in cells.
Glycobiology, 17, 1031-1044 (2007)

Yamaguchi, Y., Takahashi, N. and Kato, K.
Molecular interactions: Antibody structures.
Comprehensive Glycoscience, (J.P.Kamerling ed.) Elsevier (Oxford), vol. 3, pp.745-763 (2007)

Takahashi, N., Yagi, H. and Kato, K.
The two/three dimensional HPLC mapping method for the identification of N-glycan structures.
Comprehensive Glycoscience, (J.P.Kamerling ed.) Elsevier (Oxford), vol. 2, pp.283-301 (2007)

加藤晃一, 山口芳樹
抗体医薬の最前線, (植田充美監修) シーエムシー出版, pp.116-126 (2007)

加藤晃一, 栗本英治
生物物理学ハンドブック(石渡信一、桂 勲、桐野 豊、美宅成樹編)、朝倉書店、pp. 552-555 (2007)

山口芳樹, 加藤晃一
実験医学, 25, 1137-1144 (2007)

矢木宏和, 高橋禮子, 加藤晃一
分子細胞治療, 6, 36-42 (2007)

Go to top


神谷由紀子, 加藤晃一
実験医学, 24, 2617-2618 (2006)

Yamaguchi, Y. and Kato, K.
Structural glycobiology by stable-isotope-assisted NMR spectroscopy.
Modern Magnetic Resonance, (G.M.Webb ed.) Springer (The Netherlands), vol.1, pp.219-225 (2006)

Kamiya, Y. and Kato, K.
Sugar recognition by intracellular lectins that determine the fates of glycoproteins.
Trends Glycosci. Glycotech., 18, 231-244(2006)

坂田絵理, 加藤晃一
蛋白質 核酸 酵素, 51, 1134-1142 (2006)

栗本英治, 加藤晃一
バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 64, 387-388 (2006)

加藤晃一, 内海真穂, 住吉 晃
Bionics, 19, 30-35 (2006)

加藤晃一, 山口芳樹
薬学教科書シリーズ 第2巻 物理系薬学(日本薬学会編), 東京科学同人, pp.40-52 (2006)

Go to top


加藤晃一, 高橋禮子
未来を拓く糖鎖科学(永井克孝監修、川嵜敏祐他編), 金芳堂, pp.423-424 (2005)

未来を拓く糖鎖科学(永井克孝監修、川嵜敏祐他編), 金芳堂, pp.62-63 (2005)

加藤晃一, 高橋禮子
未来を拓く糖鎖科学(永井克孝監修、川嵜敏祐他編), 金芳堂, pp.406-407 (2005)

未来を拓く糖鎖科学(永井克孝監修、川嵜敏祐他編), 金芳堂, pp.24-25 (2005)

矢木宏和, 高橋禮子, 加藤晃一
タンパク質の翻訳後修飾解析プロトコール(稲垣昌樹編), 羊土社、pp.72-80 (2005)

山口芳樹, 矢木宏和, 加藤晃一
ファルマシア, 41, 1065-1069 (2005)

加藤晃一, 坂田絵理, 大隅良典
タンパク質科学(後藤祐児、桑島邦博、谷澤克行編), 化学同人, pp.531-544 (2005)

神谷由紀子, 山口芳樹, 加藤晃一
エヌ・ティー・エス, pp.76-83 (2005)

栗本英治, 鈴木麻衣子, 加藤晃一
化学と工業, 58, 838-840 (2005)

加藤晃一, 高橋禮子
バイオデータベース利用法(金久 實, 小川温子, 西原祥子編), 学進出版、pp.117-129 (2005)

Life of Proteins, 14, 27-32 (2005)

Go to top


栗本英治, 加藤晃一
食の科学, 322, 46-50 (2004)

坂田絵理, 田中啓二, 加藤晃一
細胞工学, 23, 825-831 (2004)

山口芳樹, 加藤晃一
生化学, 76, 269-277 (2004)

Go to top


加藤晃一, 山口芳樹
臨床免疫, 40 (4), 472-476 (2003)

実験医学,21,2098-2099 (2003)

Takahashi, N. and Kato, K.
GALAXY (Glycoanalysis by the three axes of MS and chromatography): a Web application that assists structural analyses of N-glycans.
Trends Glycosci. Glycotech. 15, 231-251 (2003)

高橋禮子, 栗本英治, 山口芳樹, 加藤晃一
蛋白質 核酸 酵素, 48, 1412-1418 (2003)

Takahashi, N. and Kato, K.
GALAXY (Glycoanalysis by the three axes of MS and chromatography)

坂田絵理, 山口芳樹, 加藤晃一
細胞工学, 22, 648-649 (2003)

山口芳樹, 加藤晃一
蛋白質 核酸 酵素, 48, 1184-1189 (2003)

Go to top

糖鎖の構造生物学における新展開(Recent advances in structural Glycobiology)
GlycoWord, Structural Glycobiology, http://www.glycoforum.gr.jp/science/word/Structural/STR00J.html

山口芳樹, 加藤晃一
生化学, 74, 43-46 (2002)


野原大輔, 加藤晃一
蛋白質 核酸 酵素, 46, 1855-1861 (2001)

薬学雑誌, 121, 345-354 (2001)

2000 July-

名古屋市立大学研究年報, 48, 1-20 (2000)

Kato, K., Fridman, W.H., Arata, Y. and Sautes-Fridman, C.
A conformational change in the Fc precludes the binding of two Fcγ receptor molecules to one IgG.
Immunology Today, 21, 310-312 (2000)

Go to top

その他 (2000 July-)

Kato, K.
Professor Chatterjee, an academic bridge between Japan and India
Reminiscence at Eighty, pp.73 (2022)

JSCR Newsletter, 24, 5 (2020)

分子研レターズ, 81, 20 (2020)

我が恩師 荒田洋治先生を偲ぶ
NMR: Bulletin of the Nuclear Magnetic Society of Japan, 10, 12-13 (2019)

NMR: Bulletin of the Nuclear Magnetic Society of Japan, 10, 4 (2019)

伊東信教授退職記念誌(伊東信教授退職記念事業会編), pp.28(2019)

日本核磁気共鳴学会機関誌, 9, 5 (2018)

分子研レターズ, 78, 23 (2018)

生物物理, 58, 233 (2018)

加藤グループの齋藤泰輝さんがExCELLS Young Scientists Forum 2018で Poster Presentation Awardを受賞
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.58, 13 (2018)

活動報告“Frontier Bioorganization Forum 2018”
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.58, 11 (2018)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.58, 10 (2018)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.58, 1-2 (2018)

奨励賞受賞 矢木真穂氏の業績
ファルマシア, 54, 588(2018)

薬事日報 第11995号, 平成30年3月19日(2018)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.54, 18 (2018)

“Biophysical exploration of dynamical ordering of biomolecular systems”の刊行
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.54, 15-17 (2018)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.54, 4-5 (2018)

矢木真穂,杉山正明,内橋貴之, 佐藤匡史, 加藤晃一
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.54, 1 (2018)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.52, 2 (2017)

研究紹介:中性子小角散乱法を用いたFc 受容体結合に伴う抗体の構造変化の解析
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 5 (2017)

谷中冴子,加藤晃一,内山 進
業績紹介:血液環境下におかれた抗体の NMR観測
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 3 (2017)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 2 (2017)

加藤晃一, 矢木真穂,谷中冴子
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.50, 16 (2017)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.50, 1 (2017)

バイオイメージング, 26巻1号, 5-6 (2017)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.46, 9 (2017)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.46, 8 (2017)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.45, 6 (2017)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.45, 3 (2017)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.43, 4 (2017)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.41, 7 (2016)

科研費NEWS, 3, 17 (2017)

加藤グルーフの與語理那さんと飯野グループの石渡大貴さんと村田グループの宋致宖さんがOIIB リトリート 2016 にてポスター賞を受賞
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.40, 12 (2016)

杉山正明,内山 進,寺内一姫,加藤晃一
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.39, 1 (2016)

活動報告「第25回日本バイオイメージング 学会学術集会」の開催
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.38, 4 (2016)

分子研レターズ, 74, 20 (2016)

The 17th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems報告
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.37, 4 (2016)

杉山正明,内山 進,加藤晃一
業績紹介:αB クリスタリン会合体による動的システムに対する洞察
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.37, 1 (2016)

加藤晃一,内山 進
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.36, 6 (2016)

国際活動報告 日韓国際共同研究へ向けて
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.32, 11 (2016)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.32, 9 (2016)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.32, 1 (2016)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.31, 4 (2016)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.29, 14 (2016)

加藤晃一,内山 進,佐藤匡史
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.29, 2 (2016)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.29, 1 (2016)

加藤晃一,内山 進,佐藤 健
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.27, 1 (2015)

山田科学振興財団財団ニュース, 第74号, 8 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.26, 5 (2015)

石井健太郎,加藤晃一,内山 進
分子研レターズ, 72, 49 (2015)

大阪医薬品協会 会報, 第799号, 62-80 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.23, 1 (2015)

Stable Isotopes for Biomolecular NMR, 大陽日酸株式会社, pp.25-26 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.22, 1 (2015)

内山 進,加藤晃一
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.20, 12 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.20, 11 (2015)

The 5th Yosei-IMS Joint Workshop: “Multilateral approaches for investigating biomolecular structures and functions”報告
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.20, 10 (2015)

アジア連携分子研研究会 日韓生体分子科学セミナー:実験とシミュレーション
分子研レターズ, 71, 12-13 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.19, 6 (2015)

分子シミュレーションと NMR 法による糖鎖の動的構造へのアプローチ(図書)
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.19, 2 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.19, 2 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.18, 25 (2015)

「生命分子ダイナミクスの探求を目指す次世代NMR 研究会」報告
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.18, 23 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.18, 3 (2015)

業績紹介:二段階の秩序化により構築したπ-スタック錯体の一次元集積体を生体分子のNMR 解析に応用
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.18, 1 (2015)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.17, 3 (2015)

加藤グループのTong Zhuさんが第87回日本生化学大会にて若手優秀発表者賞(鈴木紘一メモリアル賞)を受賞
「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.16, 8 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.16, 3 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.15, 2 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.14, 4 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.14, 4 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.14, 3 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.13, 8-9 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.12, 4 (2014)

支部だより~中部支部からのお知らせ~ 生物物理, 54, 175-176 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.8, 5 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.8, 1 (2014)

分子研レターズ, 69, 50-51 (2014)

アジア連携分子研研究会 日韓生体分子科学セミナー―実験とシミュレーション
分子研レターズ, 69, 16 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.7, 4-7 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.7, 2 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.7, 1 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.6, 4 (2014)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.5, 1 (2014)

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「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.4, 2 (2013)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.4, 2 (2013)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.3, 2 (2013)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.3, 1 (2013)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.2, 6 (2013)

「動的秩序と機能」ニュースレター, No.1, 1-2 (2013)

薬学雑誌, 133, 507(2013)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 16 (2013)

北原 亮,加藤晃一
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 12 (2013)

加藤晃一, 元島史尋
業績紹介:NMR 法を用いたGroEL と変性タンパク質との相互作用解析
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 9 (2013)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 8 (2013)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 7 (2013)

業績紹介:プロテアソーム活性化因子PA28 の柔軟なループの役割
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.51, 6 (2013)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.50, 1 (2013)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.49, 1 (2012)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.43, 1 (2012)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.42, 2 (2012)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.42, 1 (2012)

分子研レターズ, 65, 17 (2012)

第71回岡崎コンファレンス“New perspective on molecular science of glycoconjugates”
分子研レターズ, 65, 14-15 (2012)


俯瞰ワークショップ ライフサイエンス分野の俯瞰と重要研究領域「ゲノム・融合分野」構造生命科学(タンパク質・構造生物学)検討報告書, 11-15 (2011)

加藤グループの山本さよこさんがISNMR 2011 にて若手ポスター賞を受賞
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.36, 11 (2011)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.36, 3 (2011)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.36, 2 (2011)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.36, 1 (2011)

分子研レターズ, 64, 22-23 (2011)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.34, 2 (2011)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.34, 1 (2011)

加藤グループの矢木真穂研究員が日本蛋白質科学会 若手奨励賞を受賞
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.32, 16 (2011)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.32, 8 (2011)

自然科学研究機構 岡崎統合バイオサイエンスセンター10周年記念シンポジウムを開催
総研大ニューズレター, 第34号, 1-2 (2011)

Yagi-Utsumi, M., Matsuo, K., Yanagisawa, K., Gekko, K. and Kato, K.
Spectroscopic characterization of inter-molecular interaction of amyloid b promoted on GM1 micelles
HiSOR Activity Report 2010 (Hiroshima Synchrotron Research Center, Hiroshima University), 148-149 (2011)

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「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.30, 2 (2011)

内藤財団時報, 第87号, 43(2011)

分子科学研究所アクティビティ紹介, http://www.ims.ac.jp/topics/2010/110217.html (2011)

岡崎統合バイオサイエンスセンター業績報告書 2000-2010,pp.132-143 (2011)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.25, 3 (2010)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.25, 2 (2010)

クリスタット 化学シフト変化
日本結晶学会誌, 52, 266 (2010)

山口芳樹, 加藤晃一
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.18, 2 (2010)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.18, 1 (2010)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.16, 3 (2010)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.16, 2 (2010)

業績紹介:E2 はいかにしてユビキチン修飾を効率良く行っているか?
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.16, 1 (2010)

業績紹介:ガングリオシドミセルの構造およびアミロイド との相互作用
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.15, 2 (2010)

業績紹介:薬物に結合した α-synuclein 2 量体の超高磁場NMR 解析
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.15, 1 (2010)

矢木-内海 真穂,加藤晃一
「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.13 (2009)

Kato, K.
Preface for the Special Issue Entitled “Multi-dimensional HPLC Mapping Method”.
Trends Glycosci. Glycotech., 21, 49-51 (2009)

「揺らぎと生体機能」ニュースレター, No.4 (2009)

Kato, K.
Current status of ultrahigh field NMR facility.
920MHz NMR Activity Report 2004-2007, pp.7-17 (2008)

Kato, K.
Structural analyses of biological macromolecules by ultra-high field NMR spectroscopy.
Institute for Molecular Science Annual Review 2007, 72-73 (2008)


Kato, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Kurimoto, E. and Takahashi, N.
NMR approaches to the elucidation of biological functions of glycoproteins.
Glycoscience 2003-20007 in Commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience, 84-85 (2007)

Yamaguchi, Y., Nishimura, M., Nagano, M., Yagi, H., Sasakawa, H., Uchida, K., Shitara, K. and Kato, K.
Glycoform-dependent conformational alteration of the Fc region of human immunoglobulin G1 as revealed by NMR spectroscopy.
Institute for Molecular Science Annual Review 2006, 159-160 (2007)

Sasakawa, H., Sakata, E., Yamaguchi, Y., Komatsu, M., Tatsumi, K., Kominami, E., Tanaka, K. and Kato, K.
Solution structure and dynamics of Ufm1, a ubiquitin-fold modifier 1.
Institute for Molecular Science Annual Review 2006, 159 (2007)

GLYCOPROTEOMICS: protein modifications for versatile functionsに参加して
特定領域「糖鎖によるタンパク質と分子複合体の機能調節」 ニュースレター 7, 117-119 (2006)

Kato, K.
Structural analyses of multi-domain proteins by use of ultra-high field NMR spectroscopy measured at 920 MHz 1H resonance frequency.
Institute for Molecular Science Annual Review 2005, 229 (2006)

Nagano, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Sasakawa, H. and Kato, K.
Ultra-high field NMR study of glycoproteins.
Institute for Molecular Science Annual Review 2005, 170-171 (2006)

Kamiya, Y., Yamaguchi, Y., Sasakawa, H. and Kato, K.
Ultra-high field NMR study of carbohydrate-protein interactions.
Institute for Molecular Science Annual Review 2005, 170 (2006)

分子研レターズ 52, 15-16 (2005)

特定領域研究「ゲノム情報科学の新展開」 公開ワークショップ
GenProC2004 「タンパク質の立体構造がわかると何が進むか?」, 35-38(2004)

全体班会議レポート Part 2
Life of Proteins 13, 48-52 (2004)

研究室紹介 名古屋市立大学 大学院薬学研究科 生命分子構造学分野
バイオイメージング 12巻2号, 162-165 (2003)

薬事日報 第9731号, 平成15年3月17日 (2003)

内藤財団時報 第70号, 47 (2002)

21世紀の薬学研究 今世紀の構造“生物学”に馳せる夢
ファルマシア, 37, 40 (2001)

薬事日報 第9270号、平成12年3月24日 (2000)

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